Volkswagen ID.3 - repair manuals (free)

VW ID.3 (E11) 2020 -

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Volkswagen ID.3 - Maintenance (eng.) Repair Manual
VW ID.3 2020 ➤
Heading: 1. Motor list, 2. Service work, 3. General information, 4. Descriptions of work, 5. Glossary. Edition 12.2020
Описание сервисных работ для Фольксваген ID.3 (код модели: E11) с электрическими двигателями: EBJA, EBJC, EBJD.

Volkswagen ID.3 - Wheels and Tyres Guide (eng.) Repair Manual
VW ID.3 с 2020 года выпуска.
Contents: Wheels, tyres, vehicle geometry. General information, Version key (D2), Wheels, tyres, Specified torques for wheel bolts, Wheel and tyre combinations, Wheel allocation, 7.5 J X 18 offset 50, 7.5 J X 19 offset 50, 7.5 J x 20 offset 44, Recommended summer tyres, Recommended all-season tyres, Recommended winter tyres.
Edition 03.2021

Safety Precautions and Repair Information (eng.) Repair Manual
VW ID.3 2020 ➤
VW ID.4 2021 ➤
Repair Information for Working on the Body Interior/Exterior, on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, on Suspension, Wheels, Steering, on the Electrical Equipment, Driver Assistance Systems and Communication, on Passenger Protection, on the Cooling System.
Safety Precautions when Working on Cooling System, on Vehicles with High-Voltage System, on A/C Systems, on the Passenger Protection System, when Working with Chemicals, when Handling Vehicle Batteries. Safety Precautions during Road Test with Testing Equipment.


Electric drive: EBJA, EBJC, EBJD (eng.) Repair Manual.
Engine code: EBJA, EBJC, EBJD
Volkswagen ID.3 2020 ➤
Repair Group:
00 - Technical data: Safety information, Identification, Repair instructions, Hazard classification of high-voltage system.
10 - Removing and installing engine: Removing and installing rear motor, Rear assembly mountings.
19 - Cooling: Cooling system/coolant, Coolant pump, regulation of cooling system, Radiator, radiator fan.
93 - Electric drive systems:
High-voltage components
Overview of fitting locations - high-voltage components
High-voltage battery unit
Diagnosis of high-voltage battery 1 AX2
Searching for leaks from high-voltage battery
Removing and installing high-voltage battery 1 AX2
Raising high-voltage battery 1 AX2
Opening high-voltage battery 1 AX2
Closing high-voltage battery 1 AX2
Voltage and insulation measurement
Opening electrical circuit
Removing and installing battery regulation control unit J840
Charging and discharging battery modules
High-voltage battery components
Overview of fitting locations - battery modules
Removing and installing battery modules control unit
Removing and installing connecting element
Removing and installing switching unit for high-voltage battery, negative terminal SX7
Removing and installing switching unit for high-voltage battery, positive terminal SX8
Power and control electronics for electric drive
Removing and installing power and control electronics for electric drive
Electric drive motor
Assembly overview – electric drive motor
Calibrating three-phase current drive VX54
Removing and installing drive motor rotor position sender 1 G713
Leak testing of electric drive motor
Removing and installing engine control unit J623
Removing and installing bracket for engine/motor control unit J623
De-energising high-voltage system
Re-energising high-voltage system
Overview of fitting locations - potential equalisation lines
Removing and installing high-voltage battery charging socket 1 UX4
Manual release mechanism for charging socket
Charging unit for high-voltage battery
Removing and installing charging unit 1 for high-voltage battery AX4
Vehicle noise/engine sound
Removing and installing engine sound generator module 1 RX21
Removing and installing accelerator pedal module GX2

Electric rear-wheel drive EIP220 and all-wheel drive EIA200, EIP220 (eng.) Repair Manual.
Engine code: EBJC, EBJA, EBRA, EBJD
Volkswagen ID.3 2020 ➤
Руководство по ремонту электрических двигателей с буквенными обозначением: EBJC, EBJA, EBRA, EBJD.
Repair Group:
00 - Technical data
10 - Removing and installing engine
19 - Cooling
Cooling system/coolant
Connection diagram – coolant hoses, refrigerant R744
Connection diagram – coolant hoses, refrigerant R1234yf
Overview of fitting locations – cooling system, rear-wheel drive
Overview of fitting locations – cooling system, all-wheel drive
Assembly overview – cooling system, rear-wheel drive
Assembly overview – cooling system, all-wheel drive
Checking cooling system for leaks
Draining coolant
Filling cooling system
Removing and installing coolant expansion tank
Checking filling quality
Coolant pump/coolant regulation
Assembly overview - electric coolant pump
Assembly overview – coolant valves
Exploded view - coolant temperature senders
Removing and installing coolant pump for high-voltage battery V590
Removing and installing coolant pump for low-temperature circuit V468
Removing and installing mixing valve for high-voltage battery pre-heating V683
Removing and installing mixing valve 2 for high-voltage battery V696 pre-heating, heat pump
Removing and installing temperature sensor G18
Removing and installing coolant temperature sender 1 for high-voltage battery G898
Removing and installing coolant temperature sender 2 for high-voltage battery G899
Radiator, radiator fan
Assembly overview - radiator/radiator fan
Assembly overview – radiator cowl and radiator fan
Removing and installing radiator module
Dismantling and assembling radiator module
Removing and installing radiator cowl with radiator fans
Removing and installing radiator fan VX57
Removing and installing control motor for radiator roller blind V711, ID.3
Removing and installing control motor for radiator roller blind V711, ID.4

93 - Electric drive systems
High-voltage components
Overview of fitting locations – high-voltage components, all-wheel drive
Overview of fitting locations – high-voltage components, rear-wheel drive
Warning stickers
Checking warning stickers
High-voltage battery unit
Assembly overview – high-voltage battery, installed, 48, 55, 62 kWh
Assembly overview – high-voltage battery, installed, 82 kWh
Visual inspection of high-voltage battery 1 AX2
Diagnosis of high-voltage battery 1 AX2
Searching for leaks from high-voltage battery
Leakage test of high-voltage battery 1 AX2
Removing and installing high-voltage battery 1 AX2, 48, 55, 62 kWh
Removing and installing high-voltage battery 1 AX2, 82 kWh
Raising high-voltage battery 1 AX2
Opening high-voltage battery 1 AX2
Sealing high-voltage battery 1 AX2, 48, 55, 62 kWh
Sealing high-voltage battery 1 AX2, 82 kWh
Voltage and insulation measurement
Opening electrical circuit, 48, 55 kWh
Opening electrical circuit, 62 kWh
Opening electrical circuit, 82 kWh
Removing and installing battery regulation control unit J840
Charging and discharging battery modules
Renewing lower part of battery housing
High-voltage battery components
Overview of fitting locations – battery modules, 48, 55 kWh
Overview of fitting locations – battery modules, 62 kWh
Overview of fitting locations – battery modules, 82 kWh
Overview of fitting locations – battery connectors
Assembly overview – high-voltage battery, removed, 48, 55, 62 kWh
Assembly overview – high-voltage battery, removed, 82 kWh
Assembly overview – high-voltage battery, battery modules
Assembly overview – switching unit for high-voltage battery, 48, 55, 62 kWh
Assembly overview – switching unit for high-voltage battery, 82 kWh
Assembly overview – high-voltage battery, connecting element, 48, 55, 62 kWh
Assembly overview – high-voltage battery, connecting element, 82 kWh
Removing battery module
Installing battery module
Removing and installing battery modules control unit
Removing and installing connecting element, 48, 55 kWh
Removing and installing connecting element, 62 kWh
Removing and installing connecting element, 82 kWh
Removing and installing switching unit for high-voltage battery, negative terminal SX7, 48, 55, 65 kWh
Removing and installing switching unit for high-voltage battery, negative terminal SX7, 82 kWh
Removing and installing switching unit for high-voltage battery, positive terminal SX8, 48, 55, 62 kWh
Removing and installing switching unit for high-voltage battery, positive terminal SX8, 82 kWh
Power and control electronics for electric drive
Assembly overview – power and control electronics for electric drive, rear-wheel drive
Assembly overview – power and control electronics for electric drive, all-wheel drive
Removing and installing power and control electronics for electric drive, rear-wheel drive
Removing and installing power and control electronics for electric drive, all-wheel drive
Electric drive motor
Calibrating three-phase current drive VX54-
Leakage test of electric drive motor, rear motor
Assembly overview – electric drive motor
Removing and installing drive motor rotor position sender, rear-wheel drive
Removing and installing drive motor rotor position sender, all-wheel drive
Motor control unit
Assembly overview – motor control unit
Removing and installing motor control unit J623
Removing and installing bracket for motor control unit J623
De-energising high-voltage system
De-energising high-voltage system
Re-energise high-voltage system
Re-energising high-voltage system
Potential equalisation lines
Overview of fitting locations – potential equalisation lines, all-wheel drive
Overview of fitting locations – potential equalisation lines, rear-wheel drive
Charging socket
Assembly overview – charging socket
Removing and installing high-voltage battery charging socket 1 UX4
Removing and installing actuator for high-voltage charging socket lock 1 F498
Charging unit for high-voltage battery
Assembly overview – charging unit for high-voltage battery, rear-wheel drive
Assembly overview – charging unit for high-voltage battery, all-wheel drive
Removing and installing charging unit 1 for high-voltage battery AX4, rear-wheel drive
Removing and installing charging unit 1 for high-voltage battery AX4, all-wheel drive
Vehicle noise/engine sound
Overview of fitting locations – driving sound/motor sound
Removing and installing engine sound generator module
Removing and installing engine sound generator module
Accelerator pedal
Assembly overview – accelerator pedal module
Removing and installing accelerator pedal module GX2
Voltage converter
Assembly overview – voltage converter, rear-wheel drive
Assembly overview – voltage converter, all-wheel drive
Removing and installing voltage converter, rear-wheel drive
Removing and installing voltage converter, all-wheel drive
High-voltage cables
Unplugging high-voltage connectors

Система отопления и кондиционирования
(Cooling, Heating, Air Conditioning and Climate Control Systems)

Volkswagen ID.3 - Heating, air conditioner (eng.) Repair Manual
VW ID.3 2020 ➤
Repair Group: Technical data, General information, 80 - Heating, 87 - Air conditioning system: Overview of fitting locations - air conditioning system, Refrigerant circuit, Valve unit of heat pump, Air conditioner compressor, Control motors, Front heater and air conditioning unit, Air duct, Coolant circuit, Operating and display unit, Other controlling and regulating components.

Подвеска, рулевое управление
(Suspension, Steering)

Volkswagen ID.3 - Running gear, axles, steering (eng.) Repair Manual
VW ID.3 2020 ➤
Repair Group: 00 - Technical data, 40 - Front suspension, 42 - Rear suspension, 43 - Self-levelling suspension, 44 - Wheels, tyres, vehicle geometry, 48 - Steering.

Тормозная система
(ABS, EDS, ESP / Brake system)

VW ID.4 Electromechanical Brake Servo (eBKV) (eng.) Repair Manual
Self Study Program
Table of Contents: Introduction, Design of the Electromechanical Brake Servo Module, How the Electromechanical Brake Servo Works, Brake Management, Service.

Volkswagen ID.3 - Brake system (eng.) Repair Manual
VW ID.3 2020 ➤
Руководство по ремонту тормозной системы Фольксваген ID.3 (код модели: E11). Edition 06.2020
Тип тормозного суппорта / тормозного диска автомобиля:
Front brakes
Rear-wheel drive, light
PR number: 1LA, 1LD
Front brakes: 18” ZOHe 57 light

Rear brakes
11", toe 1
PR number: 1KA
Rear brakes: 11" EPB TB light 23.81

Repair Group: 00 - Technical data, 45 - Anti-lock brake system, 46 - Brakes - mechanism, 47 - Brakes - hydraulics.

Коробки передач, сцепление
(Transmission, clutch)

The 1-speed gearbox 0MP (eng.) Design and function

1-speed gearbox 0MH (eng.) Repair Manual
VW ID.3 2020 ➤
Repair Group: 00 - Technical data, 34 - Controls, housing, 39 - Final drive - differential
Руководство по ремонту одноступенчатой коробки передач 0MH / EQ310-1P на Фольксваген ID.3 (код модели: E11). Edition 01.2021

1-speed gearbox 0MH, rear (eng.) Repair Manual
VW ID.3 2020 ➤
VW ID.4 2021 ➤
Repair Group: 00 - Technical data, 34 - Controls, housing, 39 - Final drive - differential. Edition 08.2021.


Volkswagen ID.3 - body exterior (eng.) Repair Manual
VW ID.3 2020 ➤
Repair Group: 50 - Body - front, 55 - Bonnet, rear lid, 57 - Front doors, door components, central locking, 58 - Rear doors, door components, 60 - Sunroof, 63 - Bumpers, 64 - Glazing, 66 - Exterior equipment.

Volkswagen ID.3 - body interior (eng.) Repair Manual
VW ID.3 2020 ➤
Repair Group: 00 - Technical data, 68 - Interior equipment, 69 - Passenger protection, 70 - Trim, insulation, 72 - Seat frames, 74 - Seat - padding, covers.

Body Repairs (eng.) Repair Manual
VW ID.3 2020 ➤
Repair Group: 00 - Technical data, 50 - Body - front, 51 - Body - centre, 53 - Body - rear.
Edition 02.2021

(Electrical equipment)

Fuses VW ID.3 (eng.)
Схема расположения предохранителей Фольксваген ID.3 (код модели: E11, с 2020 года выпуска) в передней панели, в моторном отсеке, их номиналы и за что они отвечают.

Relays VW ID.3 (eng.)
Схема расположения реле Фольксваген ID.3 (код модели: E11, с 2020 года выпуска).

Earth points VW ID.3 (eng.)
Места расположения точек соединения с массой Фольксваген ID.3 (код модели: E11, с 2020 года выпуска).

Wiring Diagrams Volkswagen ID.3 (eng.) Current Flow Diagram
VW ID.3 2020 ➤
Electric drive system for rear axle EBJA, EBJC, EBJD
Edition 07.2020

The High-Voltage System in the Volkswagen ID.4 (eng.) Repair Manual
Self Study Program
Table of Contents: Introduction, High-voltage System Overview, Wiring and Connector Concept, High-voltage System Components, Thermal Management, High-voltage Safety Concept, Driving Mode Selection.

Volkswagen ID.3 - Electrical system (eng.) Repair Manual
VW ID.3 2020 ➤
Руководство по ремонту электрооборудования Фольксваген ID.3 (код модели: E11). Edition 02.2021
Технические данные, Стартер, источник тока, круиз-контроль, Датчики, приборы, Система омывания / очистки стекла, Фары, лампочки, выключатели - снаружи, Фары, лампочки, выключатели - интерьер, электропроводка.
Группы ремонта: 00 - Technical data, 27 - Starter, current supply, CCS, 90 - Gauges, instruments, 92 - Windscreen wash/wipe system, 94 - Lights, bulbs, switches - exterior, 96 - Lights, bulbs, switches - interior, 97 - Wiring.

Volkswagen ID.3 - Communication (eng.) Repair Manual
VW ID.3 2020 ➤
Руководство по ремонту электрооборудования Фольксваген ID.3 (код модели: E11). Edition 01.2021
Содержание: Информационно-развлекательная система, аудиосистема, антенные системы, радио, телефонная система, навигационная система, многофункциональный руль, подключение внешних мультимедийных устройств, камера объемного обзора.
Repair Group: 00 - Technical data, 91 - Communication.
Infotainment system, Sound system, Aerial systems, Telephone system, Multi-functional steering wheel, Connection for external multimedia devices, Car-Net.

High-voltage system - General information (eng.) Repair Manual.
VW ID.3 2020 ➤
Repair Group: 00 - Technical data, Safety information, Repair instructions. 93 - Electric drive systems, Hazard classification for the high-voltage system, Identification features of high-voltage vehicles, Working on high-voltage vehicles, Quarantine arrangements, Assessing accident-damaged vehicles, High-voltage battery

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Расшифровка заводской комплектации автомобиля (англ.)
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Диагностика Фольксваген, Ауди, Шкода, Сеат, коды ошибок.

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