The 1-speed gearbox 0MP

The 1-speed gearbox 0MP is used with the new three-phase current drive VX54 in the Volkswagen ID.7.
This can also be installed later in the VW ID.3, 4 and 5.

The 1-speed gearbox 0MP

The three-phase current drive VX54 is attached to the rear axle assembly carrier in the vehicle. It consists of:
— electric drive motor V141,
— power and control electronics for electric drive JX1 and
— 1-speed gearbox 0MP.

Three-phase current drive VX54 with 1-speed gearbox 0MP

The 1-speed gearbox 0MP

Technical data

Workshop/internal designation1-speed gearbox 0MP / EQ550-1K
Gearbox codeVXD
Number of gears1
Transmission stages2

Gear ratios
Total: 7.915
Level 1: 2.032
(Z1 = 31; Z2 = 63)
Level 2: 3.895
(Z3 = 19; Z4 = 74)
Maximum input torque545 Nm
Maximum input speed11,200 rpm (at 180 km/h)
Gross weight23.8 kg (without oil)
Oil quantity3,15 litres (first filling), lifetime
Input shaftsMated connection (splined)


The gearbox has the familiar design as a 1-speed gearbox with two gearbox stages.
There is no parking lock installed in the gearbox.
This task is performed by the electromechanical parking brake.
The following parts are installed in gearbox 0MP:
— Oil tank
— Drive shaft with gear Z1
— Output shaft with gears Z2 and Z3
— Differential with final drive gear Z4

The 1-speed gearbox 0MP


The gearbox is operated using:

— the driving mode selector on the steering column switch module with the control unit for steering column electronics J527
— and the electromechanical parking brake button E538 (direct connection to the ABS control unit J104).

The 1-speed gearbox 0MP

The selector lever position is displayed
— in the gear selector and
— in the display of the control unit with display unit for driver information system J1254, also called “ID. Display”

The driving mode selector is turned to engage a gear. Two pressure points can be overcome in each direction of rotation.

The 1-speed gearbox 0MP

If it is turned upwards by one pressure point, forward gear D is engaged. If it is turned again in that direction, it changes from gear D to B and vice versa.
If the switch is turned downwards by one pressure point from this gear, gear N is active. If two pressure points are passed at once, the R driving mode is selected. If two pressure points are passed again when turning upwards, gear D is active. This quick change makes it possible for the vehicle to rock free.
Regardless of whether one or two pressure points are overcome, the gear selector always springs back to its initial position.

The electromechanical parking brake is applied via button E538 or by using the Auto P function.

The 1-speed gearbox 0MP

Displays in the driving mode selector

The indicators on the driving gear selector are the selector lever position indicator Y6 and the electromechanical parking brake indicator light K213.

The active gear is displayed in amber in the driving mode selector.

The 1-speed gearbox 0MP

D Forward travel
B Recuperation in overrun mode
N Neutral position
R Reverse gear
P Parking brake

D - Forward Continuous Position - The electric drive is in the normal program. (Automatic recuperation when ECO Assist is activated)

Selector lever position display in the “ID. Display”

In addition to the selector lever position display Y6, the active gears are indicated by a white letter on the display of the control unit with display unit for driver information J1254 (also called “ID. Display”). This letter changes as follows depending on the gear:
D – Forward travel with recuperation (varies depending on the selected drive program)
B – Strong recuperation in overrun mode
P – The drive wheels are controlled by the electromechanical parking brake locked.
N – The electric drive is in the neutral position. No power is transferred to the wheels and the braking effect of the electric drive is not available.
R – Reverse gear is engaged.

The 1-speed gearbox 0MP

The selector lever position indication in the ID. Display is part of the video signal from control unit 1 for information electronics J794 (ICAS3 control unit). The video signal is transmitted via an LVDS signal line.

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