Repair manuals for electric engines Volkswagen Audi Skoda Seat
Подборка документации по ремонту электродвигателей Фольксваген Ауди Шкода Сеат
To search, press Ctrl-F and type Engine code (for example: EBJA).
Для поиска нажмите Ctrl-F и наберите буквы двигателя, например: EBJA
Electric rear-wheel drive EIP220 and all-wheel drive EIA200, EIP220 (eng.) Repair manual
Engine code: EBJC, EBJA, EBRA, EBJD.
VW ID.3 2020 ➤
VW ID.4 2021 ➤
Repair Group:
00 - Technical data: Safety information, Identification, Repair instructions, Hazard classification of high-voltage system.
10 - Removing and installing engine: Removing and installing rear motor, Rear assembly mountings.
19 - Cooling: Cooling system/coolant, Coolant pump, regulation of cooling system, Radiator, radiator fan.
93 - Electric drive systems: High-voltage components, high-voltage battery, installed, 48, 55, 62 kWh, high-voltage battery, installed, 82 kWh, Removing and installing battery regulation control unit, Removing battery module, Installing battery module, Power and control electronics for electric drive, Electric drive motor, Calibrating three-phase current drive, Leakage test of electric drive motor, rear motor, Motor control unit, potential equalisation lines, all-wheel drive, potential equalisation lines, rear-wheel drive, Charging socket, Charging unit for high-voltage battery, Vehicle noise/engine sound, Accelerator pedal, Voltage converter, High-voltage cables.
Руководство по ремонту электрических двигателей с буквенными обозначением: EBJC, EBJA, EBRA, EBJD.
283 pages. Edition 11.2021
Electric drive EQ310, EQ151, EQ550 (eng.) Workshop manual
VW ID.3 2020 ➤
VW ID.5 2022 ➤
VW ID.4 2021 ➤
Removing and installing front motor
Removing and installing rear motor, EQ310
Removing and installing rear motor, EQ550
Cooling system/coolant
Radiator, radiator fan
High-voltage battery unit, 48, 55 kWh
Assembly overview – high-voltage battery, installed, 912.CF, 913.FB
Assembly overview – high-voltage battery, installed, 912.DC
Inspecting and classifying high-voltage battery 1 AX2
Diagnosis of high-voltage battery 1 [AX2]
Checking high-voltage battery for leaks
Leakage test of high-voltage battery 1 [AX2]
Removing and installing high-voltage battery 1 [AX2]
Raising high-voltage battery 1 [AX2]
Opening high-voltage battery 1 AX2
Sealing high-voltage battery 1 [AX2], 913.FB
Sealing high-voltage battery 1 [AX2], 912.CF
Sealing high-voltage battery 1 [AX2], 912.DC
Voltage and insulation measurement, 912.CF, 913.FB
Voltage and insulation measurement, 912.DC
Interrupting electrical circuit
Removing and installing battery regulation control unit J840
Charging and discharging battery modules
Renewing lower part of battery housing
Renewing high-voltage battery 1 [AX2]
Repairing threads for attachment of upper part of battery housing
High-voltage battery unit, 62, 63 kWh
Assembly overview – high-voltage battery, installed, 911.FB, 911.NA
Assembly overview – high-voltage battery, installed, 911.DF
Inspecting and classifying high-voltage battery 1 AX2
Diagnosis of high-voltage battery 1 [AX2]
Checking high-voltage battery for leaks
Leakage test of high-voltage battery 1 [AX2]
Removing and installing high-voltage battery 1 [AX2]
Raising high-voltage battery 1 [AX2]
Opening high-voltage battery 1 [AX2], 911.FB, 911.NA
Opening high-voltage battery 1 [AX2], 911.DF
Sealing high-voltage battery 1 [AX2], 911.FB
Sealing high-voltage battery 1 [AX2], 911.DF, 911.NA
Opening electrical circuit
Voltage and insulation measurement, 911.FB, 911.NA
Voltage and insulation measurement, 911.DF
Removing and installing battery regulation control unit J840
Charging and discharging battery modules
Checking whether upper part of battery housing can be reused
Renewing lower part of battery housing
Renewing high-voltage battery 1 [AX2]
Repairing threads for attachment of upper part of battery housing
High-voltage battery unit, 82 kWh
Assembly overview – installed high-voltage battery, 910.FB, 910.BD, 910.GB, 910.HF, 910.HE, 910.MB, 910EF, 910NA, 910CF
Assembly overview – high-voltage battery, installed, 910.CK, 910.EK
Inspecting and classifying high-voltage battery 1 AX2
Diagnosis of high-voltage battery 1 [AX2]
Checking high-voltage battery for leaks
Leakage test of high-voltage battery 1 [AX2]
Removing and installing high-voltage battery 1 [AX2]
Raising high-voltage battery 1 [AX2]
Opening high-voltage battery 1 AX2
Sealing high-voltage battery 1 [AX2], 910.FB, 910.BD, 910.GB
Sealing high-voltage battery 1 [AX2], 910.HF, 910.HE, 910.MB, 910EF, 910NA, 910CF, 910.CK, 910.EK
Voltage and insulation measurement, 910.FB, 910.BD, 910.GB, 910.HF,910.HE, 910.MB, 910EF, 910NA, 910CF, 910.CK
Voltage and insulation measurement, 910.EK
Interrupting electrical circuit
Removing and installing battery regulation control unit J840
Charging and discharging battery modules
Checking whether upper part of battery housing can be reused
Renewing lower part of battery housing
Renewing high-voltage battery 1 [AX2]
Repairing threads for attachment of upper part of battery housing
High-voltage battery components, 48, 55 kWh
Overview of fitting locations - battery modules
Overview of fitting locations - battery connectors
Assembly overview – high-voltage battery, removed, 912.CF
Assembly overview – high-voltage battery, removed, 913.FB
Assembly overview – high-voltage battery, removed, 912.DC
Assembly overview – battery modules, 912.CF, 913.FB
Assembly overview – battery modules, 912.DC
Assembly overview - switching unit for high-voltage battery
Assembly overview – high-voltage battery, connector strip
Removing battery module
Installing battery module
Removing and installing battery modules control unit
Removing and installing connector strip
Removing and installing switching unit for high-voltage battery, negative terminal SX7
Removing and installing switching unit for high-voltage battery, positive terminal SX8
High-voltage battery components, 62, 63 kWh
Overview of fitting locations - battery modules
Overview of fitting locations - battery connectors
Assembly overview – high-voltage battery, removed, 911.DF
Assembly overview – high-voltage battery, removed, 911.NA
Assembly overview – high-voltage battery, removed, 911.FB
Assembly overview – battery modules, 911.DF
Assembly overview – battery modules, 911.NA, 911.FB
Assembly overview - switching unit for high-voltage battery
Assembly overview – high-voltage battery, connector strip
Removing battery module
Installing battery module
Removing and installing battery modules control unit
Removing and installing connector strip
Removing and installing switching unit for high-voltage battery, negative terminal SX7
Removing and installing switching unit for high-voltage battery, positive terminal SX8
High-voltage battery components, 82 kWh
Overview of fitting locations - battery modules
Overview of fitting locations - battery connectors
Assembly overview – high-voltage battery, removed, 910.EK
Assembly overview – high-voltage battery, removed, 910.CK
Assembly overview – high-voltage battery, removed, 910.HF, 910.MB, 910.EF, 910.NA, 910.CF
Assembly overview – high-voltage battery, removed, 910.FB, 910BD, 910.GB
Assembly overview – battery modules
Assembly overview - switching unit for high-voltage battery
Assembly overview – high-voltage battery, connector strip
Removing battery module
Installing battery module
Removing and installing battery modules control unit
Removing and installing connector strip
Removing and installing switching unit for high-voltage battery, negative terminal SX7
Removing and installing switching unit for high-voltage battery, positive terminal SX8
Power and control electronics for electric drive, EQ310, EQ151
Electric drive motor, EQ310, EQ151
Electric drive motor, EQ550
Motor control unit
De-energising high-voltage system
Re-energise high-voltage system
Potential equalisation lines
Charging socket, with charging cable
Charging socket, with separate charging cable
Charging unit for high-voltage battery
Charging unit for high-voltage battery, with integrated voltage converter
Vehicle noise/engine sound
Voltage converter
High-voltage cables, all-wheel drive
High-voltage cables, rear-wheel drive
539 pages. Edition 09.2024
Electric motor (210, LS1) (eng.) Repair Manual.
Engine code: EABA
VW e-up! 2014 ➤
Руководство по ремонту электрических двигателей с буквенными обозначением: EABA. Редакция 10.2020
Repair Group:
00 - Technical data: Safety information, Repair instructions, Hazard classification of high-voltage system.
93 - Electric drive systems: High-voltage components, Warning stickers, High-voltage battery unit, Power and control electronics for electric drive, Electric drive motor, Engine control unit, High-voltage cables, Cooling system for high-voltage system, Coolant pump, regulation of cooling system, Radiator, radiator fan, High-voltage heater (PTC), Electrical air conditioner compressor, De-energising high-voltage system, Re-energise high-voltage system, Potential equalisation lines, Charging socket, Charging unit for high-voltage battery, Driving sound and engine sound, Accelerator pedal.
237 страниц.
Electric motor EAGA (270, LS1) (eng.) Repair Manual.
Engine code: EAGA
VW e-Golf 2014 ➤
Руководство по ремонту электрических двигателей с буквенными обозначением: EAGA. Редакция 06.2021
Repair Group:
00 - Technical data: Safety information, Repair instructions, Hazard classification of high-voltage system.
93 - Electric drive systems: High-voltage components, Warning stickers, High-voltage battery unit, Power and control electronics for electric drive, Electric drive motor, Engine control unit, High-voltage cables, Cooling system for high-voltage system, High-voltage heater (PTC) Z115, Electrical air conditioner compressor V470, De-energising the high-voltage system, Recommissioning high-voltage system, Potential equalisation lines, Charging socket, Charging unit for high-voltage battery, Driving sound and engine sound, Accelerator pedal.
434 pages.
Electric motor EAZA, EBSA (270, LS2) (eng.) Repair Manual.
Engine code: EAZA, EBSA
VW e-Golf 2017 ➤
Руководство по ремонту электрических двигателей с буквенными обозначением: EAZA, EBSA. Редакция 06.2021
Repair Group:
00 - Technical data: Safety information, Repair instructions, Hazard classification of high-voltage system.
93 - Electric drive systems: High-voltage components, Warning stickers, High-voltage battery unit, Power and control electronics for electric drive, Electric drive motor, Engine control unit, High-voltage cables, Cooling system for high-voltage system, Coolant pump, regulation of cooling system, Radiator, radiator fan, High-voltage heater (PTC), Electrical air conditioner compressor, De-energising high-voltage system, Re-energise high-voltage system, Potential equalisation lines, Charging socket, Charging unit for high-voltage battery, Driving sound and engine sound, Accelerator pedal, Cooling system for high-voltage system.
326 pages.
SSP 751 - Plug-in Hybrid Drives 2024 Design and function
Self-study Programme VW 751
This Self-study Programme looks at the design and function of the second-generation plug-in hybrid (PHEV) and covers all brands.
The first generation was introduced in mid-2014 with a 1.4 l TSI engine delivering 110 kW and an electric range of approximately 50 km (measured according to the New European Driving Cycle – NEDC).
The new generation features an efficient 1.5 l TSI engine and enables an electric range of over 100 km, calculated in accordance with the practice-oriented Worldwide Harmonised Light-Duty Vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP).
The internal combustion engine has been optimised and is now equipped with a turbocharger with variable turbocharger geometry. It fulfils the latest emission standards.
The advanced lithium-ion battery has a significantly improved energy density with a comparable size. It can now be charged with up to 11 kW alternating current (AC) and also using direct current (DC) for the first time in a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle.
Тяговый электродвигатель на передней оси EASA и задней оси EAWA (rus.)
Тяговые электродвигатели Audi e-tron представляют собой асинхронные электродвигатели. К основным компонентам каждого электродвигателя относятся статор с тремя медными обмотками, расположенными через 120° (U, V, W), и ротор, алюминиевая короткозамкнутая клетка. Ротор передаёт вращение в коробку передач. Для того чтобы обеспечить высокую плотность мощности, воздушный зазор между неподвижным статором и вращающимся ротором сделан очень небольшим. Электродвигатель и коробка передач объединены в привод оси. Привод оси существует в двух различных исполнениях. Исполнение определяется расположением двигателей относительно осей. Колёса передней оси приводит силовой агрегат, установленный параллельно оси (APA250). В задней оси применяется коаксиально установленный силовой агрегат (AKA320)...
Система охлаждения тяговых двигателей электропривода (rus.)
Тяговые двигатели электропривода передней и задней осей охлаждаются жидкостью, циркулирующей в низкотемпературном контуре. Охлаждающей жидкостью омывается как статор, так и ротор. Дополнительное внутреннее охлаждение ротора обеспечило существенные преимущества в отношении увеличения срока службы и частоты использования пиковой мощности. Для упрощения работ по обслуживанию и ремонту все трубопроводы охлаждающей жидкости проложены внутри тягового электродвигателя...
High-voltage system - General information (eng.) Repair Manual.
Edition 02.2021
VW Tiguan с 2021 года выпуска
VW Passat B8, Passat Variant B8 с 2015 года выпуска.
VW Passat B8, Passat Variant B8 с 2019 года выпуска.
VW Golf 7 с 2017 года выпуска, Golf 7 Variant с 2014 года выпуска
VW Golf 7 с 2013 года выпуска
VW Arteon с 2021 года выпуска, Arteon Shooting Brake с 2021 года выпуска
VW Touareg с 2010 года выпуска, VW Touareg с 2015 года выпуска.
VW Touareg 3 с 2018 года выпуска.
VW Jetta с 2011 года выпуска.
VW ID.3 с 2020 года выпуска.
VW ID.4 с 2021 года выпуска.
VW e-Crafter с 2019 года выпуска.
VW e-Golf с 2014 года выпуска, VW e-Golf с 2017 года выпуска.
VW e-up! с 2014 года выпуска, VW e-up! с 2017 года выпуска.
VW e-up! с 2020 года выпуска.
Repair Group: 00 - Technical data, Safety information, Repair instructions. 93 - Electric drive systems, Hazard classification for the high-voltage system, Identification features of high-voltage vehicles, Working on high-voltage vehicles, Quarantine arrangements, Assessing accident-damaged vehicles, High-voltage battery
97 страниц.
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