АндрейЕТ написал(а):
А обосновать, кроме как ссылкой на источник сможешь?
Обосновать?! Техническeую документацию по ремонту?!

Вот ссылка на оригинал руководства. Язык - английский.
А вот то, что нас интересует:
"The brake booster is supplied by the pressure accumulator and simultaneously acts on the rear-wheel brakes by way of a load-sensitive braking-force regulator. There is no braking effect at the rear axle in the absence of accumulator pressure.
Attention is therefore to be paid to the bleeding specification when bleeding the brake system.
Bleeding specification:
Bleeding of the front wheel brakes is implemented normally with a charging/bleeding unit.
- Attach bleeder bottle, front LEFT and loosen the bleeder screw by one turn.
- Close bleeder screw when brake fluid emerges with no bubbles.
- Repeat procedure for brake cylinder, front RIGHT.
- Check brake fluid level.
Rear axle:
- Ignition off.
- Press brake pedal approximately 20 times (to empty high-pressure accumulator) until there is a noticeable increase in pedal force.
- Attach bleeder bottle, rear LEFT and loosen bleeder screw by one turn.
- Fully depress brake pedal and hold it down with pedal locking device.
- Ignition on, high-pressure pump running (pay attention to running time max. 2 min !).
- Close bleeder screw when brake fluid emerges with no bubbles.
- Check brake fluid level.
- Release brake pedal.
- Wait until high-pressure accumulator is full (high-pressure pump switches off).
- Ignition off.
- Attach bleeder bottle, rear RIGHT and loosen bleeder screw by one turn.
- Press brake pedal slightly.
- Close bleeder screw when brake fluid emerges without bubbles.
- Release brake pedal.
- Ignition on.
- Wait until high-pressure accumulator is full (high-pressure pump switches off).
- Check brake fluid level.
PS: Если эту ветку когда-нибудь будет читать немецкий инженер, учавствоваший в разработке Teves ABS Mark II, уверен, он обязательно авторитетно аргументирует очерёдность прокачки своей тормозной системы!