16501/P0117 - Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (G62): Signal too Low
Possible Symptoms
- Difficulties with starting a cold engine.
- Starting the engine when engine is warmish or warm, idle rpm immediately is 1200 - 3000 rpm.
- RPM at idle is irregular.
- With all engine temperatures seldom idle rpm will vary between 900 - 1000 rpm.
- With engine warm (90 °C) the engine temperature suddenly drops (70 °C) and slowly comes back to 90 °C.
- Bad acceleration during warming up.
- Diesel: an indication is extreme long time burning time of the glow indication light.
- Engine Overheating
Possible Causes
- The electrical signal coming from G62 is too low
- Wiring and/or connections faulty (short circuit?)
- Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (G62) faulty
- Mechanical problems in cooling system
Possible Solutions
- Check wiring and connections
- Check / Replace Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (G62)
- Check cooling system and correct overheating condition if present
Special Notes
- In MY 1995-2002 (?) in Europe at VW-cars the G2/G62 had the bad reputation of breaking down often. The default G2/G62 is black and all replacements are green.
16502/P0118/000280 - Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (G62): Signal too High
Possible Symptoms
- Difficulties with starting a cold engine.
- Starting the engine when engine is warmish or warm, idle rpm immediately is 1200 - 3000 rpm.
- RPM at idle is irregular.
- With all engine temperatures idle rpm will often vary between 900 - 1000 rpm.
- With engine warm (90 °C) the engine temperature suddenly drops (70 °C) and slowly comes back to 90 °C.
- Bad acceleration during warm-up.
- Diesel Engines: Glow plug indicator may be on for a longer than normal time or at ambient temperatures where it shouldn't come on at all.
Possible Causes
- The electrical signal coming from G62 is too low
- Wiring and/or connections faulty (short circuit?)
- Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (G62) faulty
Possible Solutions
- Check wiring and connections
- Check / Replace Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (G62)
Special Notes
- In many cars between MY 1995-2002 the G2/G62 had a bad reputation for failing often. The original G2/G62 sensor is black and the improved replacements are green.
А мораль той басни такова: разматывай косу с проводами от датчика в сторону ЭБУ, и ищи провода с протёртой изоляцией. Вероятность того, что таковые найдутся - 99%. А мультиметр в данном случае - помощник хреновый. Придётся ручки приложить, и не лениться, в надежде обойтись малой кровью.
Можешь, ради интереса, отсоединив разъемы от ЭБУ и датчика, померить сопротивление между пинами фишки датчика на пределе единиц МегаОм. Если будет показывать значение - косвенное доказательство. Можно ещё измерения провести кой-какие относительно массы, но, не буду лишнего тебе голову морочить, не дурак если - сам догадаешься, а если ничего в этом не сечёшь - то и тем более лишнего будет.