Руководство Fuses and relays VW Jetta 7 (BU) - предохранители и реле



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Россия, Москва
VW Tiguan 2.0 DBGC 2018, VW Touran 1.6 BSE 2008
VW Jetta 7
VW Jetta NF (BU3) 2019 - 2021
VW Jetta NF (BU4) 2022 -

Component Locations: Fuses
Fuse Panel A-SA, VW Jetta 7 from December 2017
Fuse Panel B-SB, VW Jetta 7 from December 2017
Fuse Panel B-SB, VW Jetta 7 from September 2018
Fuse Panel C-SC, VW Jetta 7 from December 2017
Fuse Panel C-SC, VW Jetta 7 from September 2018
Fuse Panel C-SC, VW Jetta 7 from August 2019
Fuse Panel C-SC, VW Jetta 7 from January 2020
Single Fuses, VW Jetta 7 from December 2017

Component Locations: Relays
Relay on Fuse Panel B SB, VW Jetta 7 from December 2017
Relay on Fuse Panel C SC, VW Jetta 7 from December 2017
Relay on Fuse Panel C SC, VW Jetta 7 from September 2018
Relay and Fuse Panel 3 SR3, VW Jetta 7 from December 2017
Relay Panel 5 SR5, VW Jetta 7 from December 2017
Relay on Fuse Panel 1 ST1, VW Jetta 7 from December 2017
Vacuum pump relay J318

Fuse colors, for the J-Case fuse:
50 A - red
40 A - green
30 A - pink

Fuse colors, for the ATO flat fuse:
40 A - orange
30 A - light green
25 A - natural (white)
20 A - yellow
15 A - light blue
10 A - red
7.5 A - brown
5 A - light brown
1 A - black

Fuse colors, for the mini fuse:
20 A - yellow
15 A - light blue
10 A - red
7.5 A - brown
5 A - light brown
1 A - black

Download documentation:
Последнее редактирование:
Fuse Panel A -SA-, from December 2017


1 - Fuse panel A -SA

Fuse Panel A -SA- Assignment, from December 2017

Designation in Wiring DiagramNominal
SA1Fuse 1 (On Fuse Panel A) -SA1-125 AFuses Supply:
Fuse 4 (On Fuse Panel C) -SC4--Fuse 12 (On Fuse Panel C) -SC12-
Fuse 14 (on fuse panel C) -SC14-
Fuse 52 (on fuse panel C) -SC52-
Fuse 39 (on fuse panel C) -SC39-
Fuse 53 (on fuse panel C) -SC53-
Fuse 42 (on fuse panel C) -SC42-
Rear window defogger relay -J9-
Sockets relay -J807-
Fuse 40 (on fuse panel C) -SC40-
Power supply relay terminal 15 -J329-
Fuse 32 (On Fuse Panel C) -SC32- Fuse 35 (On Fuse Panel C) -SC35-
Fuse 49 (on fuse panel C) -SC49-
SA2Fuse 2 (on fuse panel A) -SA2-400 AGenerator with voltage regulator -CX1-30
SA3Fuse 3 (on Fuse Panel A) -SA3-80 APower steering control module -J500-30
SA4Fuse 4 (on fuse panel A) -SA4-80 AFuses Supply:
Fuse 15 (On Fuse Panel C) -SC15-- Fuse 19 (On Fuse Panel C) -SC19-
Fuse 21 (On Fuse Panel C) -SC21-
Fuse 23 (On Fuse Panel C) -SC23--Fuse 27 (On Fuse Panel C) -SC27-
Fuse 43 (On Fuse Panel C) -SC43--Fuse 45 (On Fuse Panel C) -SC45-
Fuse 30 (on fuse panel C) -SC30-
Fuse 51 (on fuse panel C) -SC51-
Fuse 2 (On Fuse Panel C) -SC2-
SA5Fuse 5 (on fuse panel A) -SA5-50 ARadiator fan -VX57-30
Последнее редактирование:
Fuse Panel B -SB-, from December 2017


1 - Fuse panel B -SB-

Fuse Panel B -SB- Assignment, from December 2017

Designation in Wiring DiagramNominal
SB1Fuse 1 (On Fuse Panel B) -SB1-25 AABS control module -J104-30
SB2Fuse 2 (on fuse panel B) -SB2-40 AABS control module -J104-30
SB3Fuse 3 (on fuse panel B) -SB3-15 AEngine control module -J623-87
SB4Fuse 4 (on fuse panel B) -SB4-10 AEthanol concentration sensor -G708-
Secondary air injection pump relay -J299-
Radiator fan -VX57-
♦ Radiator fan control module -J293-
♦ Radiator fan -V7-
Charge air pressure actuator -V465-
Oil level thermal sensor -G266-
Secondary air injection solenoid valve -N112-
Heater support pump -V488-
Coolant shut-off valve -N82-
Camshaft adjustment valve 1 -N205-
Coolant circulation valve -N214-
Intake manifold runner control valve -N316-
Exhaust camshaft adjustment valve 1 -N318-
EVAP canister purge regulator valve 1 -N80-
Charge air cooling pump -V188-
Piston cooling nozzle control valve -N522-
Oil pressure regulation valve -N428-
Intake manifold runner control valve -N316-
Turbocharger recirculation valve -N249-
SB5Fuse 5 (on fuse panel B) -SB5-10 AEngine component power supply relay -J757-
Engine control module -J623-
Cylinder 1 fuel injector -N30-
Cylinder 2 fuel injector -N31-
Cylinder 3 fuel injector -N32-
Cylinder 4 fuel injector -N33-
Cylinder 1 exhaust cam actuator A -N580-
Cylinder 1 exhaust cam actuator B -N581-
Cylinder 2 exhaust cam actuator A -N588-
Cylinder 2 exhaust cam actuator B -N589-
Cylinder 3 exhaust cam actuator A -N596-
Cylinder 3 exhaust cam actuator B -N597-
Cylinder 4 exhaust cam actuator A -N604-
Positive crankcase ventilation heating element -N79-
Cylinder 4 exhaust cam actuator B -N605-
SB6Fuse 6 (on fuse panel B) -SB6-5 ABrake Lamp Switch -F-87
SB7Fuse 7 (on fuse panel B) -SB7-7.5
Radiator shutter motor -V544-
Charge air cooling pump -V188-
Transmission fluid cooling pump -V478-
Cylinder block coolant valve -N545-
Positive crankcase ventilation heating element -N79-
Fuel tank leak detection control module -J909-
Turbocharger recirculation valve -N249-
Intake manifold runner control valve -N316-
Piston cooling nozzle control valve -N522-
Coolant shut-off valve -N82-
Cooling circuit solenoid valve -N492-
Oil pressure regulation valve -N428-
Coolant recirculation pump -V50-
SB8Fuse 8 (on fuse panel B) -SB8-10
Oxygen sensor 1 after catalytic converter -GX7-
♦ Heater for oxygen sensor 1 after catalytic converter -Z29-
♦ Oxygen sensor after catalytic converter -G130-
Oxygen Sensor 1 Before Catalytic Converter -GX10-
♦ Oxygen sensor heater -Z19-
♦ Heated oxygen sensor -G39-
SB9Fuse 9 (on fuse panel B) -SB9-10
Ignition coil 1 with power output stage -N70-
Ignition coil 2 with power output stage -N127-
Ignition coil 3 with power output stage -N291-
Ignition coil 4 with power output stage -N292-
SB10Fuse 10 (On Fuse Panel B) -SB10-15 AFuel pump control module -J538-87
SB11Fuse 11 (on fuse panel B) -SB11-40
Secondary air injection pump motor -V101-87
SB12Not used---
SB13Fuse 13 (on fuse panel B) -SB13-15 A
Transmission control module -J217-30
SB14Not used---
SB15Fuse 15 (on fuse panel B) -SB15-15 AHorn relay -J413-30
SB16Fuse 16 (on fuse panel B) -SB16-20 AEngine component power supply relay -J757--
SB17Fuse 17 (on fuse panel B) -SB17-7.5 AABS control module -J104-
Engine control module -J623-
Motronic engine control module power supply relay -J271-
Terminal 30 Power Supply Relay -J317- 4)
SB18Fuse 18 (on fuse panel B) -SB18-5 ABattery monitoring control module -J367-
Data bus on board diagnostic interface -J533-
SB19Fuse 19 (on fuse panel B) -SB19-30 AWiper motor relay 1 -J368-
Wiper motor relay 2 -J369-
SB20Fuse 20 (on fuse panel B) -SB20-10 AGarage door opener control module -J530-30
SB21Fuse 21 (on fuse panel B) -SB21-10
Wiper park position heater -Z56-
Dual-clutch transmission Mechatronic -J743-
SB22Fuse 22 (on fuse panel B) -SB22-5 AEngine control module -J623-50
SB23Fuse 23 (on fuse panel B) -SB23-30 AStarter -B-50
SB24Not used---
SB25Not used---
SB26Not used---
SB27Not used---
SB28Not used---
SB29Not used---
SB30Not used---
SB31Fuse 31 (on fuse panel B) -SB31-15 ABrake system vacuum pump -V192-
Vacuum pump relay -J318-
SB32Not used---
SB33Not used---
SB34Fuse 34 (on fuse panel B) -SB34-15 ADifferential locks control module -J647-30
SB35Not used---
SB36Not used---
SB37Not used---
SB38Not used---

1) Only for vehicles with 2.0L gasoline engine
2) Only for vehicles with 1.4L gasoline engine
3) For vehicles with windshield defogger
4) For vehicles with a diesel engine
5) Depending on equipment
Последнее редактирование:
Fuse Panel B -SB-, from September 2018


1 - Fuse panel B -SB-

Fuse Panel B -SB- Assignment, from September 2018

Designation in Wiring DiagramNominal
SB1Fuse 1 (On Fuse Panel B) -SB1-25 AABS control module -J104-30
SB2Fuse 2 (on fuse panel B) -SB2-40 AABS control module -J104-30
SB3Fuse 3 (on fuse panel B) -SB3-15 AEngine control module -J623-87
SB4Fuse 4 (on fuse panel B) -SB4-10 AEthanol concentration sensor -G708-
Secondary air injection pump relay -J299-
Radiator fan -VX57-
♦ Radiator fan control module -J293-
♦ Radiator fan -V7-
Charge air pressure actuator -V465-
Oil level thermal sensor -G266-
Secondary air injection solenoid valve -N112-
Heater support pump -V488-
Coolant shut-off valve -N82-
Camshaft adjustment valve 1 -N205-
Coolant circulation valve -N214-
Intake manifold runner control valve -N316-
Exhaust camshaft adjustment valve 1 -N318-
EVAP canister purge regulator valve 1 -N80-
Charge air cooling pump -V188-
Piston cooling nozzle control valve -N522-
Oil pressure regulation valve -N428-
Intake manifold runner control valve -N316-
Turbocharger recirculation valve -N249-
Engine Component Power Supply Relay -J757- 5)
Cylinder 2 intake cam actuator -N583-
Cylinder 2 exhaust cam actuator -N587-
Cylinder 3 intake cam actuator -N591-
Cylinder 3 exhaust cam actuator -N595-
SB5Fuse 5 (on fuse panel B) -SB5-10 AEngine component power supply relay -J757-
Engine control module -J623-
Cylinder 1 fuel injector -N30-
Cylinder 2 fuel injector -N31-
Cylinder 3 fuel injector -N32-
Cylinder 4 fuel injector -N33-
Cylinder 1 exhaust cam actuator A -N580-
Cylinder 1 exhaust cam actuator B -N581-
Cylinder 2 exhaust cam actuator A -N588-
Cylinder 2 exhaust cam actuator B -N589-
Cylinder 3 exhaust cam actuator A -N596-
Cylinder 3 exhaust cam actuator B -N597-
Cylinder 4 exhaust cam actuator A -N604-
Positive crankcase ventilation heating element -N79-
Cylinder 4 exhaust cam actuator B -N605-
SB6Fuse 6 (on fuse panel B) -SB6-7.5 ABrake Lamp Switch -F-87
SB7Fuse 7 (on fuse panel B) -SB7-7.5
Radiator shutter motor -V544-
Charge air cooling pump -V188-
Transmission fluid cooling pump -V478-
Cylinder block coolant valve -N545-
Positive crankcase ventilation heating element -N79-
Fuel tank leak detection control module -J909-
Turbocharger recirculation valve -N249-
Intake manifold runner control valve -N316-
Piston cooling nozzle control valve -N522-
Coolant shut-off valve -N82-
Cooling circuit solenoid valve -N492-
Oil pressure regulation valve -N428-
Coolant recirculation pump -V50-
SB8Fuse 8 (on fuse panel B) -SB8-10
Oxygen sensor 1 after catalytic converter -GX7-
♦ Heater for oxygen sensor 1 after catalytic converter -Z29-
♦ Oxygen sensor after catalytic converter -G130-
Oxygen Sensor 1 Before Catalytic Converter -GX10-
♦ Oxygen sensor heater -Z19-
♦ Heated oxygen sensor -G39-
SB9Fuse 9 (on fuse panel B) -SB9-10
Ignition coil 1 with power output stage -N70-
Ignition coil 2 with power output stage -N127-
Ignition coil 3 with power output stage -N291-
Ignition coil 4 with power output stage -N292-
Secondary air injection solenoid valve -N112-
Exhaust camshaft adjustment valve 1 -N318-
Camshaft adjustment valve 1 -N205-
EVAP canister purge regulator valve 1 -N80-
Heater support pump -V488-
SB10Fuse 10 (On Fuse Panel B) -SB10-15 AFuel pump control module -J538-
Engine Component Power Supply Relay -J757- 5)
SB11Fuse 11 (on fuse panel B) -SB11-40
Secondary air injection pump motor -V101-
Secondary air injection pump relay -J299-
SB12Not used---
SB13Fuse 13 (on fuse panel B) -SB13-30 ATransmission control module -J217-30
SB14Not used---
SB15Fuse 15 (on fuse panel B) -SB15-15 AHorn relay -J413-30
SB16Fuse 16 (on fuse panel B) -SB16-20 AEngine component power supply relay -J757--
SB17Fuse 17 (on fuse panel B) -SB17-7.5 AABS control module -J104-
Engine control module -J623-
Motronic engine control module power supply relay -J271-
Terminal 30 Power Supply Relay -J317- 4)
SB18Fuse 18 (on fuse panel B) -SB18-7.5 ABattery monitoring control module -J367-
Data bus on board diagnostic interface -J533-
SB19Fuse 19 (on fuse panel B) -SB19-30 AWiper motor relay 1 -J368-
Wiper motor relay 2 -J369-
SB20Not used---
SB21Fuse 21 (on fuse panel B) -SB21-15
Dual-clutch transmission Mechatronic -J743-
SB22Fuse 22 (on fuse panel B) -SB22-7.5 AEngine control module -J623-50
SB23Fuse 23 (on fuse panel B) -SB23-30 AStarter -B-50
SB24Not used---
SB25Not used---
SB26Not used---
SB27Not used---
SB28Not used---
SB29Not used---
SB30Not used---
SB31Fuse 31 (on fuse panel B) -SB31-15 ABrake system vacuum pump -V192-
Vacuum pump relay -J318-
SB32Fuse 32 (on fuse panel B) -SB32-15 ADifferential locks control module -J647--
SB33Not used---
SB34Not used---
SB35Not used---
SB36Not used---
SB37Not used---
SB38Not used---

1) Only for vehicles with 2.0L gasoline engine
2) Only for vehicles with 1.4L gasoline engine
3) For vehicles with windshield defogger
4) For vehicles with a diesel engine
5) Depending on equipment
Fuse Panel C -SC-, from December 2017


1 - Fuse panel C -SC

Fuse Panel C -SC- Assignment, from December 2017

Note: From the factory, fuse SC40 is supplied by terminal 15 and can be supplied by terminal 30 instead. If equipment is connected
to the socket or the cigarette lighter, make sure the equipment is disconnected from the power supply when the engine is off
to prevent the battery from draining.

Designation in Wiring DiagramNominal
SC1Not used---
SC2Fuse 2 (On Fuse Panel C) -SC2-10 ASteering column electronics control module -J527-30
SC3Not used---
SC4Fuse 4 (on fuse panel C) -SC4-10 AVehicle electrical system control module -J519-30
SC5Fuse 5 (on fuse panel C) -SC5-5 AData bus on board diagnostic interface -J533-
Remote Start System Relay -J471- 1) 2)
SC6Fuse 6 (on fuse panel C) -SC6-5 ASelector lever -E313-
Ignition Switch Key Lock Solenoid -N376-
SC7Fuse 7 (on fuse panel C) -SC7-10 AHeater and A/C controls -EX21-30
SC8Fuse 8 (on fuse panel C) -SC8-10 ADiagnostic connection -U31-
Electromechanical parking brake button -E538-
Humidity, rain and light recognition sensor -G823-
Rain/light recognition sensor -G397-
Rotary light switch -EX1-
Parking brake button -EX12-
Instrument panel contour illumination lamp 1 -L243-
Instrument panel contour illumination lamp 2 -L244-
Anti-theft alarm system sensor -G578-
Instrument panel contour illumination lamp 3 -L245-
Passenger Side Door Ambient Lighting Lamp -W87-
Driver Side Door Ambient Lighting Lamp -W86-
Instrument panel contour illumination lamp 2 -L244-
Instrument panel contour illumination lamp 3 -L245-
Storage compartment illumination bulb -L120-
SC9Fuse 9 (on fuse panel C) -SC9-5 ASteering column electronics control module -J527-30
SC10Fuse 10 (on fuse panel C) -SC10-7.5 AFront information display control head -J685-30
SC11Fuse 11 (on fuse panel C) -SC11-40 AVehicle electrical system control module -J519-30
SC12Fuse 12 (on fuse panel C) -SC12-20 AInformation electronics control module 1 -J794-30
SC13Not used---
SC14Fuse 14 (on fuse panel C) -SC14-40 AFresh air blower control module -J126-30
SC15Fuse 15 (on fuse panel C) -SC15-10 AElectronic steering column lock control module -J764-30
SC16Fuse 16 (on fuse panel C) -SC16-7.5 AUSB charging socket 1 -U37-
Storage compartment with cell phone interface -R265-
SC17Fuse 17 (on fuse panel C) -SC17-5 AInstrument cluster -KX2-
Control module for emergency call module and communication unit -J949-
SC18Fuse 18 (on fuse panel C) -SC18-7.5 ARearview camera -R189-30
SC19Fuse 19 (on fuse panel C) -SC19-7.5 AAccess/start system interface -J965-30
SC20Not used---
SC21Not used---
SC22Not used---
SC23Fuse 23 (on fuse panel C) -SC23-30 APower sunroof control module -J245-30
SC24Fuse 24 (on fuse panel C) -SC24-40 AVehicle electrical system control module -J519-30
SC25Fuse 25 (on fuse panel C) -SC25-30 ADriver Door Control Module -J386-
Left rear window regulator motor -V26-
SC26Fuse 26 (on fuse panel C) -SC26-30 AVehicle electrical system control module -J519-30
SC27Fuse 27 (on fuse panel C) -SC27-30 AVehicle electrical system control module -J519-30
SC28Not used---
SC29Not used---
SC30Fuse 30 (on fuse panel C) -SC30-10 ARemote Start System Relay -J471- 1) 2)30
SC31Not used---
SC32Fuse 32 (on fuse panel C) -SC32-10
Blind spot detection control module -J1086-
Blind spot detection control module 2 -J1087-
Parking aid control module -J446-
Driver assistance systems front camera -R242-
Distance regulation control module -J428-
SC33Fuse 33 (on fuse panel C) -SC33-5 AAirbag control module -J234-
Front passenger airbag -disabled- indicator lamp -K145-
Passenger occupant detection system control module -J706-
SC34Fuse 34 (on fuse panel C) -SC34-7.5 ARefrigerant Circuit Pressure Sensor -G805- 4)
Center console switch module 1 -EX23-
Interior rearview mirror -EX5-
Rotary light switch -EX1-
Back-up lamp switch -F4-
Structure borne sound control module -J869-
Air quality sensor -G238-
Rear seat heating control module -J786-
Center console switch module 2 -EX30-
Sockets relay -J807-
SC35Fuse 35 (on fuse panel C) -SC35-10 ADiagnostic connection -U31-15
SC36Fuse 36 (on fuse panel C) -SC36----
SC37Fuse 37 (on fuse panel C) -SC37----
SC38Not used---
SC39Fuse 39 (on fuse panel C) -SC39-30 AFront Passenger’s Door Control Module -J387-
Right rear window regulator motor -V27-
5) 6)
Fuse 40 (on fuse panel C) -SC40-20 A12 V socket 2 -U18-
USB Charging Socket Fuse -S356-
Sockets relay -J807-
155) /
SC41Not used---
SC42Fuse 42 (on fuse panel C) -SC42-40 AVehicle electrical system control module -J519-30
SC43Fuse 43 (on fuse panel C) -SC43-30 ADigital sound system control module -J525-30
SC44Not used---
SC45Fuse 45 (on fuse panel C) -SC45-15 ALeft front seat adjustment control head -EX33-
Driver seat lumbar support adjustment switch -E176-
Left front seat cushion fan 1 -V514-
Left front seat backrest fan 1 -V512-
Driver seat adjustment control module -J810-
SC46Not used---
SC47Not used---
SC48Not used---
SC49Fuse 49 (on fuse panel C) -SC49-5 AStarter relay 1 -J906-
Starter relay 2 -J907-
Clutch position sensor -G476-
Remote Start System Relay -J471- 2)
SC50Not used---
SC51Fuse 51 (on fuse panel C) -SC51-25 ARear seat heating control module -J786-30
SC52Fuse 52 (on fuse panel C) -SC52-15 AElectronic damping control module -J250--
SC53Fuse 53 (on fuse panel C) -SC53-30 ARear window defogger relay -J9-15

1) Only for vehicles with engine remote start
2) Only for vehicles with engine remote start preparation
3) Only for vehicles with blind spot detection
4) Only for vehicles without engine remote start
5) Supplied by terminal 15 from the factory
6) Supply by terminal 30 possible
Fuse Panel C -SC-, from September 2018


1 - Fuse panel C -SC

Fuse Panel C -SC- Assignment, from September 2018

Note: From the factory, fuse SC40 is supplied by terminal 15 and can be supplied by terminal 30 instead. If equipment is connected
to the socket or the cigarette lighter, make sure the equipment is disconnected from the power supply when the engine is off
to prevent the battery from draining.

Designation in Wiring DiagramNominal
SC1Not used---
SC2Fuse 2 (On Fuse Panel C) -SC2-10 ASteering column electronics control module -J527-30
SC3Not used---
SC4Fuse 4 (on fuse panel C) -SC4-10 A
7.5 A
Vehicle electrical system control module -J519-
Alarm horn -H12-
SC5Fuse 5 (on fuse panel C) -SC5-7.5 AData bus on board diagnostic interface -J533-
Remote Start System Relay -J471- 1) 2)
SC6Fuse 6 (on fuse panel C) -SC6-7.5 ASelector lever -E313-
Ignition Switch Key Lock Solenoid -N376-
SC7Fuse 7 (on fuse panel C) -SC7-10 AHeater and A/C controls -EX21-
Rear window defogger relay -J9-
A/C clutch relay -J44-
SC8Fuse 8 (on fuse panel C) -SC8-7.5 ADiagnostic connection -U31-
Electromechanical parking brake button -E538-
Humidity, rain and light recognition sensor -G823-
Rain/light recognition sensor -G397-
Rotary light switch -EX1-
Parking brake button -EX12-
Instrument panel contour illumination lamp 1 -L243-
Instrument panel contour illumination lamp 2 -L244-
Anti-theft alarm system sensor -G578-
Instrument panel contour illumination lamp 3 -L245-
Passenger Side Door Ambient Lighting Lamp -W87-
Driver Side Door Ambient Lighting Lamp -W86-
Instrument panel contour illumination lamp 2 -L244-
Instrument panel contour illumination lamp 3 -L245-
Storage compartment illumination bulb -L120-
SC9Fuse 9 (on fuse panel C) -SC9-7.5 ASteering column electronics control module -J527-
Ignition/starter switch -D
SC10Fuse 10 (on fuse panel C) -SC10-7.5 AFront information display control head -J685-30
SC11Fuse 11 (on fuse panel C) -SC11-40 AVehicle electrical system control module -J519-30
SC12Fuse 12 (on fuse panel C) -SC12-20 AInformation electronics control module 1 -J794-30
SC13Not used---
SC14Fuse 14 (on fuse panel C) -SC14-40 AFresh air blower control module -J126-30
SC15Fuse 15 (on fuse panel C) -SC15-10 AElectronic steering column lock control module -J764-30
SC16Fuse 16 (on fuse panel C) -SC16-7.5 AUSB charging socket 1 -U37-
Storage compartment with cell phone interface -R265-
SC17Fuse 17 (on fuse panel C) -SC17-7.5 AInstrument cluster -KX2-
Control module for emergency call module and communication unit -J949-
SC18Fuse 18 (on fuse panel C) -SC18-7.5 ARearview camera -R189-30
SC19Fuse 19 (on fuse panel C) -SC19-7.5 AAccess/start system interface -J965-30
SC20Fuse 20 (on fuse panel C) -SC20-15 AVacuum pump relay -J318--
SC21Fuse 21 (On Fuse Panel C) -SC21-10 AWindshield defogger relay -J47--
SC22Not used---
SC23Fuse 23 (on fuse panel C) -SC23-20 APower sunroof control module -J245-30
SC24Fuse 24 (on fuse panel C) -SC24-40 AVehicle electrical system control module -J519-30
SC25Fuse 25 (on fuse panel C) -SC25-30 ADriver Door Control Module -J386-
Left rear window regulator motor -V26-
SC26Fuse 26 (on fuse panel C) -SC26-30 AVehicle electrical system control module -J519-30
SC27Fuse 27 (on fuse panel C) -SC27-30 AVehicle electrical system control module -J519-30
SC28Not used---
SC29Not used---
SC30Fuse 30 (on fuse panel C) -SC30-10 ARemote Start System Relay -J471- 1) 2)30
SC31Not used---
SC32Fuse 32 (on fuse panel C) -SC32-10 ABlind spot detection control module -J1086-
Blind spot detection control module 2 -J1087-
Parking aid control module -J446-
Driver assistance systems front camera -R242-
Distance regulation control module -J428-
SC33Fuse 33 (on fuse panel C) -SC33-7.5 AAirbag control module -J234-
Front passenger airbag -disabled- indicator lamp -K145-
Passenger occupant detection system control module -J706-
SC34Fuse 34 (on fuse panel C) -SC34-7.5 A
10 A3
Refrigerant Circuit Pressure Sensor -G805- 4)
Center console switch module 1 -EX23-
Interior rearview mirror -EX5-
Rotary light switch -EX1-
Back-up lamp switch -F4-
Structure borne sound control module -J869-
Air quality sensor -G238-
Rear seat heating control module -J786-
Center console switch module 2 -EX30-
Sockets relay -J807-
Refrigerant circuit pressure sensor -G805-
Parking brake button -EX12-
SC35Fuse 35 (on fuse panel C) -SC35-7.5 ADiagnostic connection -U31-15
SC36Fuse 36 (on fuse panel C) -SC36----
SC37Fuse 37 (on fuse panel C) -SC37----
SC38Not used---
SC39Fuse 39 (on fuse panel C) -SC39-30 AFront Passenger’s Door Control Module -J387-
Right rear window regulator motor -V27-
5) 6)
Fuse 40 (on fuse panel C) -SC40-20 A12 V socket 2 -U18-
USB Charging Socket Fuse -S356-
Sockets relay -J807-
Remote start system fuse 1 -S250-
155) /
SC41Not used---
SC42Fuse 42 (on fuse panel C) -SC42-40 AVehicle electrical system control module -J519-30
SC43Fuse 43 (on fuse panel C) -SC43-30 ADigital sound system control module -J525-30
SC44Not used---
SC45Fuse 45 (on fuse panel C) -SC45-15 ALeft front seat adjustment control head -EX33-
Driver seat lumbar support adjustment switch -E176-
Left front seat cushion fan 1 -V514-
Left front seat backrest fan 1 -V512-
Driver seat adjustment control module -J810-
SC46Not used---
SC47Not used---
SC48Not used---
SC49Fuse 49 (on fuse panel C) -SC49-7.5 AStarter relay 1 -J906-
Starter relay 2 -J907-
Clutch position sensor -G476-
Remote Start System Relay -J471- 2)
USB Charging Socket Fuse -S356-
SC50Not used---
SC51Fuse 51 (on fuse panel C) -SC51-25 ARear seat heating control module -J786-
Front passenger power seat adjustment circuit breaker 1 -S46-
SC52Fuse 52 (on fuse panel C) -SC52-15 AElectronic damping control module -J250--
SC53Fuse 53 (on fuse panel C) -SC53-30 ARear window defogger relay -J9-15

1) Only for vehicles with engine remote start
2) Only for vehicles with engine remote start preparation
3) Only for vehicles with blind spot detection
4) Only for vehicles without engine remote start
5) Supplied by terminal 15 from the factory
6) Supply by terminal 30 possible
Fuse Panel C -SC-, from August 2019


1 - Fuse panel C -SC-

Fuse Panel C -SC- Assignment, August 2019

Note: From the factory, fuse SC40 is supplied by terminal 15 and can be supplied by terminal 30 instead. If equipment is connected
to the socket or the cigarette lighter, make sure the equipment is disconnected from the power supply when the engine is off
to prevent the battery from draining.

Designation in Wiring DiagramNominal
SC1Not used---
SC2Fuse 2 (On Fuse Panel C) -SC2-10 ASteering column electronics control module -J527-30
SC3Not used---
SC4Fuse 4 (on fuse panel C) -SC4-10 A
7.5 A
Vehicle electrical system control module -J519-
Alarm horn -H12-
SC5Fuse 5 (on fuse panel C) -SC5-7.5 AData bus on board diagnostic interface -J533-
Remote Start System Relay -J471- 1) 2)
SC6Fuse 6 (on fuse panel C) -SC6-7.5 ASelector lever -E313-
Ignition Switch Key Lock Solenoid -N376-
SC7Fuse 7 (on fuse panel C) -SC7-10 AHeater and A/C controls -EX21-
Rear window defogger relay -J9-
A/C clutch relay -J44-
SC8Fuse 8 (on fuse panel C) -SC8-7.5 ADiagnostic connection -U31-
Electromechanical parking brake button -E538-
Humidity, rain and light recognition sensor -G823-
Rain/light recognition sensor -G397-
Rotary light switch -EX1-
Parking brake button -EX12-
Instrument panel contour illumination lamp 1 -L243-
Instrument panel contour illumination lamp 2 -L244-
Anti-theft alarm system sensor -G578-
Instrument panel contour illumination lamp 3 -L245-
Passenger Side Door Ambient Lighting Lamp -W87-
Driver Side Door Ambient Lighting Lamp -W86-
Instrument panel contour illumination lamp 2 -L244-
Instrument panel contour illumination lamp 3 -L245-
Storage compartment illumination bulb -L120-
SC9Fuse 9 (on fuse panel C) -SC9-7.5 ASteering column electronics control module -J527-
Ignition/starter switch -D
SC10Fuse 10 (on fuse panel C) -SC10-7.5 AFront information display control head -J685-30
SC11Fuse 11 (on fuse panel C) -SC11-40 AVehicle electrical system control module -J519-30
SC12Fuse 12 (on fuse panel C) -SC12-20 AInformation electronics control module 1 -J794-
Navigation system control module -J856-
SC13Not used---
SC14Fuse 14 (on fuse panel C) -SC14-40 AFresh air blower control module -J126-30
SC15Fuse 15 (on fuse panel C) -SC15-10 AElectronic steering column lock control module -J764-30
SC16Fuse 16 (on fuse panel C) -SC16-7.5 AUSB charging socket 1 -U37-
Storage compartment with cell phone interface -R265-
USB connection 1 -U41-
SC17Fuse 17 (on fuse panel C) -SC17-7.5 AInstrument cluster -KX2-
Control module for emergency call module and communication unit -J949-
SC18Fuse 18 (on fuse panel C) -SC18-7.5 ARearview camera -R189-30
SC19Fuse 19 (on fuse panel C) -SC19-7.5 AAccess/start system interface -J965-30
SC20Fuse 20 (on fuse panel C) -SC20-15 AVacuum pump relay -J318--
SC21Fuse 21 (On Fuse Panel C) -SC21-10 AWindshield defogger relay -J47--
SC22Not used---
SC23Fuse 23 (on fuse panel C) -SC23-20 APower sunroof control module -J245-30
SC24Fuse 24 (on fuse panel C) -SC24-40 AVehicle electrical system control module -J519-30
SC25Fuse 25 (on fuse panel C) -SC25-30 ADriver Door Control Module -J386-
Left rear window regulator motor -V26-
SC26Fuse 26 (on fuse panel C) -SC26-30 AVehicle electrical system control module -J519-30
SC27Fuse 27 (on fuse panel C) -SC27-30 AVehicle electrical system control module -J519-30
SC28Not used---
SC29Fuse 29 (on fuse panel C) -SC29-5 ARefrigerant circuit pressure sensor -G805-15
SC30Fuse 30 (on fuse panel C) -SC30-10 ARemote Start System Relay -J471- 1) 2)30
SC31Not used---
SC32Fuse 32 (on fuse panel C) -SC32-10 ABlind spot detection control module -J1086-
Blind spot detection control module 2 -J1087-
Parking aid control module -J446-
Driver assistance systems front camera -R242-
Distance regulation control module -J428-
SC33Fuse 33 (on fuse panel C) -SC33-7.5 AAirbag control module -J234-
Front passenger airbag -disabled- indicator lamp -K145-
Passenger occupant detection system control module -J706-
SC34Fuse 34 (on fuse panel C) -SC34-7.5 A
10 A3
Refrigerant Circuit Pressure Sensor -G805- 4)
Center console switch module 1 -EX23-
Interior rearview mirror -EX5-
Rotary light switch -EX1-
Back-up lamp switch -F4-
Structure borne sound control module -J869-
Air quality sensor -G238-
Rear seat heating control module -J786-
Center console switch module 2 -EX30-
Sockets relay -J807-
Refrigerant circuit pressure sensor -G805-
Parking brake button -EX12-
SC35Fuse 35 (on fuse panel C) -SC35-7.5 ADiagnostic connection -U31-15
SC36Fuse 36 (on fuse panel C) -SC36----
SC37Fuse 37 (on fuse panel C) -SC37----
SC38Not used---
SC39Fuse 39 (on fuse panel C) -SC39-30 AFront Passenger’s Door Control Module -J387-
Right rear window regulator motor -V27-
5) 6)
Fuse 40 (on fuse panel C) -SC40-20 A12 V socket 2 -U18-
USB Charging Socket Fuse -S356-
Sockets relay -J807-
Remote start system fuse 1 -S250-
155) /
SC41Not used---
SC42Fuse 42 (on fuse panel C) -SC42-40 AVehicle electrical system control module -J519-30
SC43Fuse 43 (on fuse panel C) -SC43-30 ADigital sound system control module -J525-30
SC44Not used---
SC45Fuse 45 (on fuse panel C) -SC45-15 ALeft front seat adjustment control head -EX33-
Driver seat lumbar support adjustment switch -E176-
Left front seat cushion fan 1 -V514-
Left front seat backrest fan 1 -V512-
Driver seat adjustment control module -J810-
SC46Not used---
SC47Not used---
SC48Not used---
SC49Fuse 49 (on fuse panel C) -SC49-7.5
5 A 7)
Starter relay 1 -J906-
Starter relay 2 -J907-
Clutch position sensor -G476-
Remote Start System Relay -J471- 2)
USB Charging Socket Fuse -S356-
SC50Not used---
SC51Fuse 51 (on fuse panel C) -SC51-25 ARear seat heating control module -J786-
Front passenger power seat adjustment circuit breaker 1 -S46-
SC52Fuse 52 (on fuse panel C) -SC52-15 AElectronic damping control module -J250--
SC53Fuse 53 (on fuse panel C) -SC53-30 ARear window defogger relay -J9-15

1) Only for vehicles with engine remote start
2) Only for vehicles with engine remote start preparation
3) Only for vehicles with blind spot detection
4) Only for vehicles without engine remote start
5) Supplied by terminal 15 from the factory
6) Supply by terminal 30 possible
7) Depending on equipment
Последнее редактирование:
Fuse Panel C -SC-, from January 2020


1 - Fuse panel C -SC

Fuse Panel C -SC- Assignment, January 2020

Note: From the factory, fuse SC40 is supplied by terminal 15 and can be supplied by terminal 30 instead. If equipment is connected
to the socket or the cigarette lighter, make sure the equipment is disconnected from the power supply when the engine is off
to prevent the battery from draining.

Designation in Wiring DiagramNominal
SC1Fuse 1 (On Fuse Panel C) -SC1-10 A-Windshield Defogger Relay -J47-30
SC2Fuse 2 (On Fuse Panel C) -SC2-10 ASteering column electronics control module -J527-30
SC3Not used---
SC4Fuse 4 (on fuse panel C) -SC4-10 A
7.5 A
Vehicle electrical system control module -J519-
Alarm horn -H12-
SC5Fuse 5 (on fuse panel C) -SC5-7.5 AData bus on board diagnostic interface -J533-
Remote Start System Relay -J471- 1) 2)
SC6Fuse 6 (on fuse panel C) -SC6-7.5 ASelector lever -E313-
Ignition Switch Key Lock Solenoid -N376-
SC7Fuse 7 (on fuse panel C) -SC7-10 AHeater and A/C controls -EX21-
Rear window defogger relay -J9-
A/C clutch relay -J44-
SC8Fuse 8 (on fuse panel C) -SC8-7.5 ADiagnostic connection -U31-
Electromechanical parking brake button -E538-
Humidity, rain and light recognition sensor -G823-
Rain/light recognition sensor -G397-
Rotary light switch -EX1-
Parking brake button -EX12-
Instrument panel contour illumination lamp 1 -L243-
Instrument panel contour illumination lamp 2 -L244-
Anti-theft alarm system sensor -G578-
Instrument panel contour illumination lamp 3 -L245-
Passenger Side Door Ambient Lighting Lamp -W87-
Driver Side Door Ambient Lighting Lamp -W86-
Instrument panel contour illumination lamp 2 -L244-
Instrument panel contour illumination lamp 3 -L245-
Storage compartment illumination bulb -L120-
SC9Fuse 9 (on fuse panel C) -SC9-7.5 ASteering column electronics control module -J527-
Ignition/starter switch -D
SC10Fuse 10 (on fuse panel C) -SC10-7.5 AFront information display control head -J685-30
SC11Fuse 11 (on fuse panel C) -SC11-40 AVehicle electrical system control module -J519-30
SC12Fuse 12 (on fuse panel C) -SC12-20 AInformation electronics control module 1 -J794-
Navigation system control module -J856-
SC13Not used---
SC14Fuse 14 (on fuse panel C) -SC14-40 AFresh air blower control module -J126-30
SC15Fuse 15 (on fuse panel C) -SC15-10 AElectronic steering column lock control module -J764-30
SC16Fuse 16 (on fuse panel C) -SC16-7.5 AUSB charging socket 1 -U37-
Storage compartment with cell phone interface -R265-
USB connection 1 -U41-
SC17Fuse 17 (on fuse panel C) -SC17-7.5 AInstrument cluster -KX2-
Control module for emergency call module and communication unit -J949-
SC18Fuse 18 (on fuse panel C) -SC18-7.5 ARearview camera -R189-30
SC19Fuse 19 (on fuse panel C) -SC19-7.5 AAccess/start system interface -J965-30
SC20Fuse 20 (on fuse panel C) -SC20-15 AVacuum pump relay -J318--
SC21Not used--
SC22Not used---
SC23Fuse 23 (on fuse panel C) -SC23-20 APower sunroof control module -J245-30
SC24Fuse 24 (on fuse panel C) -SC24-40 AVehicle electrical system control module -J519-30
SC25Fuse 25 (on fuse panel C) -SC25-30 ADriver Door Control Module -J386-
Left rear window regulator motor -V26-
SC26Fuse 26 (on fuse panel C) -SC26-30 AVehicle electrical system control module -J519-30
SC27Fuse 27 (on fuse panel C) -SC27-30 AVehicle electrical system control module -J519-30
SC28Not used---
SC29Fuse 29 (on fuse panel C) -SC29-5 ARefrigerant circuit pressure sensor -G805-15
SC30Fuse 30 (on fuse panel C) -SC30-10 ARemote Start System Relay -J471- 1) 2)30
SC31Not used---
SC32Fuse 32 (on fuse panel C) -SC32-10 ABlind spot detection control module -J1086-
Blind spot detection control module 2 -J1087-
Parking aid control module -J446-
Driver assistance systems front camera -R242-
Distance regulation control module -J428-
SC33Fuse 33 (on fuse panel C) -SC33-7.5 AAirbag control module -J234-
Front passenger airbag -disabled- indicator lamp -K145-
Passenger occupant detection system control module -J706-
SC34Fuse 34 (on fuse panel C) -SC34-7.5 A
10 A3
Refrigerant Circuit Pressure Sensor -G805- 4)
Center console switch module 1 -EX23-
Interior rearview mirror -EX5-
Rotary light switch -EX1-
Back-up lamp switch -F4-
Structure borne sound control module -J869-
Air quality sensor -G238-
Rear seat heating control module -J786-
Center console switch module 2 -EX30-
Sockets relay -J807-
Refrigerant circuit pressure sensor -G805-
Parking brake button -EX12-
SC35Fuse 35 (on fuse panel C) -SC35-7.5 ADiagnostic connection -U31-15
SC36Fuse 36 (on fuse panel C) -SC36----
SC37Fuse 37 (on fuse panel C) -SC37----
SC38Not used---
SC39Fuse 39 (on fuse panel C) -SC39-30 AFront Passenger’s Door Control Module -J387-
Right rear window regulator motor -V27-
5) 6)
Fuse 40 (on fuse panel C) -SC40-20 A12 V socket 2 -U18-
USB Charging Socket Fuse -S356-
Sockets relay -J807-
Remote start system fuse 1 -S250-
155) /
SC41Not used---
SC42Fuse 42 (on fuse panel C) -SC42-40 AVehicle electrical system control module -J519-30
SC43Fuse 43 (on fuse panel C) -SC43-30 ADigital sound system control module -J525-30
SC44Not used---
SC45Fuse 45 (on fuse panel C) -SC45-15 ALeft front seat adjustment control head -EX33-
Driver seat lumbar support adjustment switch -E176-
Left front seat cushion fan 1 -V514-
Left front seat backrest fan 1 -V512-
Driver seat adjustment control module -J810-
SC46Fuse 46 (on fuse panel C) -SC46-7.5 A--USB Charging Socket 1 -U37-30
SC47Not used---
SC48Not used---
SC49Fuse 49 (on fuse panel C) -SC49-7.5
5 A 7)
Starter relay 1 -J906-
Starter relay 2 -J907-
Clutch position sensor -G476-
Remote Start System Relay -J471- 2)
USB Charging Socket Fuse -S356-
SC50Not used---
SC51Fuse 51 (on fuse panel C) -SC51-25 ARear seat heating control module -J786-
Front passenger power seat adjustment circuit breaker 1 -S46-
SC52Fuse 52 (on fuse panel C) -SC52-15 AElectronic damping control module -J250--
SC53Fuse 53 (on fuse panel C) -SC53-30 ARear window defogger relay -J9-15

1) Only for vehicles with engine remote start
2) Only for vehicles with engine remote start preparation
3) Only for vehicles with blind spot detection
4) Only for vehicles without engine remote start
5) Supplied by terminal 15 from the factory
6) Supply by terminal 30 possible
7) Depending on equipment
Single Fuse, from December 2017


1 - Bracket
2 - Fuse panel 2 -ST2-
3 - Fuse panel 1 -ST1-

Single Fuse Assignment, from December 2017

Designation in Wiring Diagram Nominal
Function/Component Terminal
A Not used - - -
B Front passenger power seat adjustment circuit breaker 1 -S46- 15 A Right front seat adjustment control head -EX34-
Right front seat backrest fan 1 -V516-
Right front seat cushion fan 1 -V518-
C1) Remote Start System Fuse 1 -S250- 1) 5 A Refrigerant circuit pressure sensor -G805-
Remote start system relay -J471-
E1) Remote Start System Fuse 1 -S250- 1) 5 A Refrigerant circuit pressure sensor -G805-
Remote start system relay -J471-
D USB Charging Socket Fuse -S356- 7.5 A USB charging socket 1 -U37- 15
F Not used - - -
G Not used - - -

1) Depending on equipment
Relay on Fuse Panel B -SB- , from December 2017


1 - Fuse panel B -SB-

R1 - Starter relay 1 -J906-
R2 - Starter relay 2 -J907-
R3 - Horn relay -J413-
R4 - Secondary air injection pump relay -J299-
R5 - Motronic engine control module power supply relay -J271-
For vehicles with gasoline engine
R5 - Terminal 30 power supply relay -J317-
For vehicles with a diesel engine
Relay on Fuse Panel C -SC- , from December 2017


1 - Fuse panel C -SC-

R1 - Not used
R2 - A/C clutch relay -J44-
R3 - Not used
R4 - Power supply relay terminal 15 -J329-
R5 - Rear window defogger relay -J9-
R6 - Sockets relay -J807-
Relay on Fuse Panel C -SC- , from September 2018


1 - Fuse panel C -SC-

R1 - Vacuum pump relay -J318-
R2 - A/C clutch relay -J44-
R3 - Windshield defogger relay -J47-
R4 - Power supply relay terminal 15 -J329-
R5 - Rear window defogger relay -J9-
R6 - Sockets relay -J807-
Relay and Fuse Panel 3 -SR3- , from December 2017


1 - Relay and fuse panel 3 -SR3-
R8 - Engine component power supply relay -J757-
Depending on equipment
R9 - Wiper motor relay 1 -J368-
R10 - Wiper motor relay 2 -J369-
Relay Panel 5 -SR5- , from December 2017


1 - Relay Panel 5 -SR5-

1 - Windshield defogger relay -J47-
For vehicles with windshield defogger
Relay on Fuse Panel 1 -ST1- , from December 2017


1 - Fuse panel 1 -ST1-

R1 - Remote start system relay -J471-
For vehicles with engine remote start
Vacuum pump relay -J318-


1 - Vacuum pump relay -J318-
Сверху Снизу