Руководство Volkswagen Chemicals Manual



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VW Tiguan 2.0 DBGC 2018, VW Touran 1.6 BSE 2008
VW Amarok 2011 ➤, Amarok 2017 ➤,
VW Beetle 2012 ➤, CC 2012 ➤,
VW Fox 2010 ➤, Fox 2014 ➤,
VW Gol 2006 ➤, Gol 2013 ➤, Gol 2017 ➤, Gol 2019 ➤,
VW Golf 2007 ➤, Golf 2013 ➤, Golf 2015 ➤, Golf 2016 ➤, Golf 2017 ➤, Golf BR 2018 ➤,
VW Golf Variant 2015 ➤, Golf Variant MEX 2018 ➤,
VW Jetta 2011 ➤, Jetta 2015 ➤, Jetta 2018 ➤,
VW Nivus 2020 ➤,
VW Passat 2011 ➤, Passat 2015 ➤, Passat Variant 2011 ➤,
VW Polo 2012 ➤, Polo BR 2018 ➤, Polo Sedan 2012 ➤,
VW Saveiro 2010 ➤, Saveiro 2014 ➤, Saveiro 2017 ➤, SpaceFox 2011 ➤,
VW T-Cross BR 2020 ➤, Tiguan 2008 ➤,
VW Tiguan 2 MEX 2017 ➤,
VW Touareg 2010 ➤, Touareg 2015 ➤,
VW Virtus BR 2018 ➤,
VW Voyage 2013 ➤, Voyage 2017 ➤, Voyage 2019 ➤,
VW up! 2014 ➤, up! BR 2018 ➤

Edition 12.2020


Work Instructions for Handling Chemicals

Handling of Solvents
Work instruction - Flammable material handling
Handling used engine oil

List of authorized products
Polyurethane-based sealing adhesive
High-resistance locking adhesive
Low viscosity lock adhesive
Locking adhesive for mechanical seals
Sealing adhesive
2-component adhesive
Cotton tape
Self-adhesive PVC tape
Double-sided adhesive tape
Refrigerant gas - R134a
Underbody coating
Lubricating engine oil as per VW 502 00 and VW 505 00 standards
Lubricating engine oil as per VW 507 00 standard
Lubricating engine oil as per VW 508 88 and VW 509 99 standards
Lubricating oil for manual gearbox and steering rack - SAE 90, MIL-L-2105B, API - GL5
Lubricating oil for manual gearbox - SAE 80, MIL-L-2105, API - GL4
Grease remover spray
Sealant for exhaust connections
Teflon thread sealant

List of fractionated products
000 096 319 D Polishing material (chromium and aluminium)
032 198 561 Additional seal
AMV 188 001 02 Adhesive silicone
AMV 188 200 03 Sealing paste
AMV 189 300 Activating agent
AMV 189 400 Sealing compound
Liquid sealant D 000 600 A2
D 001 210 M2 Universal adhesive
D 002 000 A2Adhesive remover
D 004 660 M2 Adhesive set
D 007 000 A2 Spray silicone
D 009 200 02 Glass primer
D 009 401 04 Cleaning solution
D 009 500 25 Applicator
Liquid sealant D 154 000 A1
Liquid sealant D 154 100 A1
D 154 102 A1 Sealing compound
D 154 103 A1 Adhesive silicone
D 169 300 M1 Window adhesive
D 169 300 M2 Window adhesive
D 172 090 A2 Adhesive
D 174 003 M2 Silicone sealant
D 176 404 A3 Adhesive silicone
D 176 204 R2 Adhesive silicone
D 176 404 M2 Adhesive silicone
D 176 501 A1 Adhesive silicone
D 180 KU1 A1 2-component adhesive for plastic
D 180 KU2 A1 2-component adhesive for plastic
D 181 220 A1 Activating agent
D 181 655 A1 Activating agent
D 181 802 M1 Glass primer
Liquid sealant D 185 400 A2
Liquid sealant D 185 400 A3
Liquid sealant D 185 410 A2
D 185 520 A2 Sealing compound
D 190 MKD A3 Assembly adhesive
Liquid sealant D 192 100 A2
D 195 850 A1 Cleaning solution
D 316 D38 A2 Protective wax
D 322 100 M2 Wachs-spray
D 330 KD2 A1 Cavity spray
D 366 PR1 A1 Plastic primer
D 454 300 A2 Sealing compound
D 469 101 A3 Gluing and sealing compound
D 822 150 A1 Plastic surfacer
G 000 100 Coupling teeth lubricant compound
G 000 115 A2 Spray lubricant
G 000 150 Consistent lubricating paste
G 000 405 A2 Silicone paste
G 000 450 02 Lubrication paste
G 000 650 Consistent lubricating paste
G 052 109 A2 Assembly paste
G 052 112 A3 High temperature paste
G 052 128 A1 Thrust ring sealing grease
G 052 133 A2 Lubricating paste for high temperatures
G 052 135 A1 Lubricating oil
G 052 142 A2 Polyurethane lubricating compound
G 052 150 A2 Lithium lubricating paste
G 052 168 A1 Steering box lubricant
G 052 172 A1 Special lubricant
G 052 172 M2 Special lubricant
G 052 181 A4 Lubricating paste for constant velocity joints
G 052 528 A2 Lubricating paste for constant velocity joints
G 052 565 A1 Silicone paste
G 052 723 A2 Moly paste
G 052 735 A2 Multi-purpose grease
G 052 738 A2 Lubricating paste for constant velocity joints
G 052 738 A3 Thrust ring sealing grease
G 052 745 A3 Lubricating paste for low temperature
G 052 751 A1 Molybdenum pasta
G 052 778 A2 Spray lubricant
G 052 817 A1 Contact grease
G 055 128 A1 Thrust ring sealing grease
G 060 567 A2 Special lubricant
G 060 735 A2 Multi-purpose grease
G 060 751 A2 Consistent lubricating paste
G 065 567 A2 Cleaning solution
G 070 528 R2 Lubricating paste for constant velocity joints
G 294 421 A1 Lubricating oil for assembly
Последнее редактирование:
Handling of Solvents

Description of the Material

Solvents and their mixtures, e. g. hydrocarbons, halogens, alcohols, esters, ketones are liquid organic substances.
This Safety Information applies to all solvents and water-free cleaning products, and hardeners, primers, separators, and all preparations used as well for this purpose.

Solvents can be classified as follows:
A - Irritant
B - Noxious
C - Toxic
D - Easily flammable


♦ Applications
painting, cleaning and maintenance of parts.
♦ Storage
Solvents must be stored in closed, identified safety containers.
Storing solvents in beverage bottles is strictly prohibited. Keep only a volume sufficient to carry out the work in one shift in the workplace. Volumes exceeding the daily requirement must be stored in well ventilated, explosion-proof rooms.
♦ Work
Work with solvents requires the use of exhaust fans or environments with good ventilation. Greater quantities of easily flammable or flammable materials must be handled only in explosion-proof locations. To prevent spontaneous combustion,
solvents must not come into contact with highly corrosive substances (e.g. chromic acid, organic peroxides, etc.).
Thus, the following should be observed:
1 - prevent contact with hot surfaces, alkalis, such as caustic soda, burnt lime or light metal chips.
2 - prevent contact with hot surfaces, alkalis, such as caustic soda, burnt lime or light metal chips.
3 - protect the material against sunlight.
4 - do not use open flames, such as welding torches.
In case of prolonged use or storage, mixtures of halogen and flammable solvents, such as cold cleaning products, classified as less flammable, may become flammable solutions, due to evaporation of the halogen component.
♦ Maintenance in confined spaces
Solvent vapours are heavier than air. Thus, they concentrate in wells and tanks. Accordingly, before starting work in these places, an "authorization for confined space" must be requested.
♦ Operational failures
Spilt solvent must be collected using appropriate absorption products. The products should be stored in closed containers with material identification and information on the content for future disposal.
♦ Protection against fire
When handling solvents, open flames, exposed lighting and smoking are prohibited. For fire extinguishers, use CO2 and dry chemical powder.
♦ Health protection, hygiene at work
1 - When inhaled, most solvents have a narcotic effect and reduce ethanol tolerance. Some solvents, even in small concentrations, are noxious.
2 - In case of severe intoxication, remove the person to an outside or a well-ventilated location, until an ambulance arrives.
3 - Work uniforms heavily-stained with solvent should be changed and thoroughly cleaned.
4 - Workers who have handled solvents and later complain about health problems should consult a doctor immediately. The doctor must be informed about the solvents handled by the worker.
5 - Solvents have a degreasing effect on the skin. Using solvents to clean the skin is prohibited. Should contact with the skin be inevitable, treat the skin beforehand with protective cream.
6 - In workplaces where solvents are used, eating, drinking and storing food, especially close to chemicals, are prohibited.
7 - Smoking while handling solvents is prohibited, since there is risk of fire or formation of products that cause toxic reactions in atmospheres with high hydrocarbon and halogen contents.
♦ Personal protective equipment
In compliance with Standard 6 (NR-6) Ordinance 3214 of the Ministry of Labour, handling of solvents requires the use of personal protective equipment, such as the following:
1 - gloves
2 - safety goggles
3 - protective clothing
♦ Environmental protection, waste treatment
Solvents must not be disposed of in the sewer network. These products must be collected into proper containers, which must be closed and identified, for future disposal or recycling.

Work instruction - Flammable material handling
Flammable liquids are liquids, liquid mixtures or liquids with solid particles in solution or suspension (including substances classified in a different way, based on their hazardous characteristics) producing flammable vapours at temperatures up to 60.5 °C, in open vessel tests.
Flammable materials may be solid, liquid or gaseous. As they release oxygen, these materials burn and, under certain circumstances, may ignite explosively. Flammable materials cause irritations, corrosion, and noxious and toxic reactions.
In accordance with legislation, flammable materials are classified as follows:
♦ Extremely flammable: Liquid substances or mixtures, which flash point (temperature at which the substance may catch fire) is below 0 °C and boiling point is below 35 °C;
♦ Easily flammable:
substances or mixtures that may warm and ignite in the air at room temperature, without interference from any energy source;
substances or solid mixtures that may easily ignite after a brief contact with an ignition source and that keep burning after the source is removed;
For liquid substances, the flash point is lower than 21 °C. In contact with water or humid air, extremely flammable gases are released in dangerous volumes;
♦ Flammable: substances or liquid mixtures, the flash point of which is equal to or higher than 21 °C and lower than or equal to 55 °C.
Handling these materials requires that the following be observed:
1 - In work and storage places, wood is not to be used for floors, desks or racks. The floor must be kept clean.
2 - Eating, drinking, smoking, and storing food or cigarettes are prohibited at the workplace and areas close to it.
3 - The required personal protective equipment, such as safety goggles, gloves, and, where applicable, aprons and rubber boots, must be used.
4 - Wet or excessively dirty clothing must be promptly changed. This clothing must not be dried. Work clothes - even those slightly dirty - must be sorted and marked with the following warning before being sent to laundry:
“CLOTHES CONTAMINATED WITH FLAMMABLE MATERIAL”. These clothes must be washed in water.
5 - Contaminated or wet personal clothes must also be washed in water at home.
6 - Flammable materials must not come into contact with organic substances, such as oil, grease, and solvent, since there is risk of fire.
7 - While handling flammable materials, prevent spillage and dust. In case of leaks, spilt products must not be adsorbed by sawdust or disposed of in trash cans.
8 - Solid flammable materials must be swept or wet with absorption products. These materials must be collected into proper containers and sent for disposal with identification of their content.
9 - Should flammable materials come into contact with the skin or eyes, wash them promptly with plenty of water (for at least 15 minutes). Then, consult a doctor. Inform about the product affecting the person.

Handling used engine oil
♦ Description of the material
Oils for four-cylinder engines comprise basically superior hydrocarbons with additives. At temperatures that can reach over 450ºC at the bottom of the piston, oxidation and other chemical reactions take place. In these processes reactive products are formed, such as "polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons".
♦ Applications
Used engine oil is produced mostly in engine test workshops after long-running operational tests. It is also produced during oil change, for example, at a customer service centre, and from vehicles undergoing durability tests. For sealing quality control, these engine oils are submitted to thermal load.
♦ Storage
Used engine oil must be collected and temporarily stored into metal containers with locks and the following warning:
“Caution. Used engine oil” Prevent contact with skin
♦ Work
Production-scale work at recovery facilities, unproductive application in used oil coagulation.
♦ Maintenance
When carrying out maintenance work, observe the following items: Operational failures - Leaks, Protection against fire, and Health protection, hygiene at work.
♦ Operational failures - Leaks
Should absorption of spilt oil be required, the spilt product must be stored in closed containers for future disposal.
♦ Protection against fire
Engine oils are not classified as flammable materials, since their flash points are above 100 ºC. To prevent spontaneous ignition, fire or explosion, cloths or other absorbent materials impregnated with oil must be stored in non-flammable containers with a cover.
♦ Health protection and hygiene at work
Prolonged or repetitive contact with any type of engine oil results in skin degreasing. Skin drying, irritation or inflammation may occur. In addition, used engine oils contain hazardous substances classified as "polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons". The
following work hygiene precautions should be observed:
1 - Before handling used engine oils, apply appropriate skin protection.
2 - Preferentially, use warm water and soap to remove engine oil from skin.
3 - Solvents, cold cleaners, thinners, diesel oil should not be used for cleaning skin contaminated with engine oil.
♦ Personal protection equipment
The following equipment should be used:
- Safety goggles
- Gloves
- Apron
♦ Environmental protection, waste treatment
Used oils are classified as liquids hazardous to water. Do not dispose of used oil in the sewer system or the soil.
Последнее редактирование:
List of authorized products
Some products are sold directly by the supplier, and so contacts are directed to them.
WARNING: The information contained herein is a reference for the importer, since some of the products cited in this Manual may not exist on the market.
Note: The application of these chemicals must be confirmed in the repair manuals as well as their correspondence in the Electronic parts catalogue “ETKA

5.1 Polyurethane-based sealing adhesive

Trade NamePackagingSupplier
Teroson MS 222
Sikaflex 221 - white

5.2 High-resistance locking adhesive

Trade NamePackagingSupplier
10g and 50 g TUBES
50g and 250 g TUBES
10, 50 and 250 g TUBES

5.3 Low viscosity lock adhesive

Trade NamePackagingSupplier
50g and 250 g TUBES
10, 50 and 250 g TUBES

5.4 Locking adhesive for mechanical seals

Trade NamePackagingSupplier

5.5 Sealing adhesive

Trade NamePackagingSupplier

5.6 2-component adhesive

Trade NamePackagingSupplier

5.7 Cotton tape

Trade NamePackagingSupplier

5.8 Self-adhesive PVC tape

Trade NamePackagingSupplier
FITA 47030 M X 19 MM ROLLS3 M

5.9 Double-sided adhesive tape

Trade NamePackagingSupplier
Double-sided tape6.3 MM X 10 M ROLLS3 M

5.10 Refrigerant gas - R134a

Trade NamePackagingSupplier
FREON™ 134a
750 g
340 g

5.11 Underbody coating

Trade NamePackagingSupplier
TEROSON RB 2000 HS (grey, black and white)1-LITRE CANSHENKEL

5.12 Lubricating engine oil as per VW 502 00 and VW 505 00 standards
Totalflex models up to the 2013 series
Models with petrol engine (except models with 1.4 TSI petrol engine “sold as of October 01, 2016”)

Trade NameSAEPackagingPart numberSupplier
0W 30
5 W 40
1 litre
1 litre
G S55 167 R7 - BRA
G JZZ 502 M2 - BRA
209 litresG JZZ 502 M9 - BRA

5.13 Lubricating engine oil as per VW 507 00 standard
AMAROK (with diesel particulate filter - DPF)

Trade NameSAEPackagingPart numberSupplier

5.14 Lubricating engine oil as per VW 508 88 and VW 509 99 standards
Totalflex models as of the 2014 series 1.4 TSI petrol models (“sold as of October 01, 2016”)
Petrol models as of the 2018 series AMAROK (without diesel particulate filter - DPF)

Trade NameSAEPackagingPart numberSupplier
209 litresG S55 553 R6 - BRA

5.15 Lubricating oil for manual gearbox and steering rack - SAE 90, MIL-L-2105B, API - GL5

Trade NameSupplier

5.16 Lubricating oil for manual gearbox - SAE 80, MIL-L-2105, API - GL4

Trade NameSupplier

Trade NameSupplier

5.17 Grease remover spray

Trade NamePackagingSupplier

5.18 Sealant for exhaust connections

Trade NamePackagingSupplier
TMX 386

5.19 Teflon thread sealant

Trade NamePackagingSupplier
Последнее редактирование:
List of fractionated products
Note: The application of these chemicals must be confirmed in the repair manuals as well as their correspondence in the Electronic parts catalogue ETKA.

6.1 -000 096 319 D- Polishing material (chromium and aluminium)

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Lettering / badge polishing
(chromium and aluminium), as per TPI 2026148
10 ml
(per trim / lettering)
All vehicles

6.2 -032 198 561- Additional seal

ApplicationSetQuantity per applicationReference
Cylinder head cover gasket,
according to TPI 2029576
3 units (AMV 189 400)
1 unit (AMV 189 300)
1 spatula
10 repairsEA 111 1.0l and 1.6l engines
Cylinder head
cover gasket
3 units (AMV 189 400)
1 unit (AMV 189 300)
1 spatula
3 repairsEA 111 1.0l and 1.6l engines

6.3 -AMV 188 001 02- Adhesive silicone

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Cylinder head cover gasket100 g10 gEA 111 1.0l and 1.6l engines manufactured until 09/2011

6.4 -AMV 188 200 03- Sealing paste

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Gearbox and
clutch housing seal
100 g25 gMQ200 and SQ200 gearboxes
Selector lever shaft set gasket
on the gearbox surface
100 g2 gMQ200 and SQ200 gearboxes
5th and 6th gear cover on
the transmission housing
100 g10 gMQ200 transmission
(6 gears)
Lower cover
cap of the transmission
100 g2 gMQ200 and SQ200 gearboxes

6.5 -AMV 189 300- Activating agent
Seal set -032 198 561- item

6.6 -AMV 189 400- Sealing compound
Seal set -032 198 561- item

6.7 Liquid sealant -D 000 600 A2-

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Rear cover fastening of
mechanical distributor (toothed belt)
18 g3 g
(1 g per bolt)
EA 111 1.0l and 1.6l engines
Cylinder head
cover cap
18 g18 g
(each application)
EA 888 engines
Securing the flywheel to the
crankshaft, as per TPI 2054275
18 g6 g
(1 g per bolt)
EA 211 engines
Securing conrod nut with the suspension strut,
as per TPI 2058945 (campaign 40P6)
18 g0.3 g
(0.15 g per nut)
VW T-Cross

6.8 -D 001 210 M2- Universal adhesive

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Rear seat
backrest frame lining
420 g140 g
(each application)
VW Golf, VW Golf Variant

6.9 -D 002 000 A2- Adhesive remover

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Removal of
10 ml
(per application)
All vehicles
Removal of
50 ml
(per application)
All vehicles
Remove all adhesive residues
from the sunroof front panel
50 ml
(per application)
VW Golf, VW Passat
Remove adhesive residuals
from the windscreen
100 ml
(per application)
New VW Jetta

6.10 -D 004 660 M2- Adhesive set

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Sunroof front
200 mlVW Golf
Sunroof front
panel and frame
400 mlVW Golf, VW Passat (3G2)
Windscreen and rear window
installation adhesive
400 ml
(single application)
VW Amarok, CC, VW EOS, VW Fox, VW Gol, VW Golf, VW Golf Variant, VW Jetta, VW Jetta Variant,
VW Fusca, VW Passat, VW Passat Variant, VW Polo, VW Saveiro, VW Spacefox, VW Tiguan,
VW Touareg, VW up!, VW Voyage, VW Polo, VW Virtus, VW T-Cross

6.11 -D 007 000 A2- Spray silicone

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Lubricate support sleeves at
the ABS hydraulic unit
3 mlVW Polo, VW Virtus, VW T-Cross
Entire front
toothed belt protector
10 mlVW Amarok

6.12 -D 009 200 02- Glass primer

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Windscreen10 ml5 mlAll vehicles
Rear window10 ml5 mlAll vehicles
Interior mirror
support bracket
10 ml2 mlVW Amarok, VW Polo, VW Virtus and
VW T-Cross
Front side window
glass (fixed)
10 ml2 mlVW Golf, VW Tiguan
Lower side
member trim
10 ml2 mlGol Track, VW Saveiro Cross
Sunroof front
10 ml5 mlVW Golf

6.13 -D 009 401 04- Cleaning solution

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Side window
glass (fixed)
5 mlVW Golf, VW Tiguan
External sealing (panoramic sunroof)250
5 mlVW Tiguan
5 mlVW Gol, VW Voyage, VW Saveiro,
VW Polo, VW Virtus, VW T-Cross
Clean the bonnet lock250
2 mlVW Amarok
Outer sun roof
2 mlVW Golf
Remove adhesive residuals from the
body to install the windscreen
25 mlNew VW Jetta
Installation of
the sunroof front panel
10 mlVW Golf, VW Passat
Installation of the sunroof
front panel and frame
20 mlVW Golf, VW Passat
Installation of the lower side
member trim
10 mlGol Track, VW Saveiro Cross
Interior mirror
support bracket
10 mlVW Amarok
Rear window250
10 mlVW Gol, VW Voyage, VW Saveiro,
VW Polo, VW Virtus, VW T-Cross
Inner door
5 mlVW Fox, VW Spacefox

6.14 -D 009 500 25- Applicator

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
For application of glass and
windshield primer
1 pc1 pcAll vehicles

6.15 Liquid sealant -D 154 000 A1- (High strength)

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Securing bolt of the air bag
device (front passenger side)
10 ml1 ml
(per bolt)
VW Golf, VW Golf Variant, VW Tiguan,
VW Polo, VW Virtus, VW Passat, CC, VW up!

6.16 Liquid sealant -D 154 100 A1- (Loctite 648)

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Flywheel to crankshaft securing bolt
(TPI 2038587)
10 ml1 ml (1 g per bolt)VW Amarok

6.17 -D 154 102 A1- Sealing compound

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Cylinder head cover sealing50 g5 gEA 211 engines

6.18 -D 154 103 A1- Adhesive silicone

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Engine oil carter seal (superior)100 g50 gEA 211 1.6l engines
Cylinder head cover cap100 g5 g (per cap)EA 888 engine

6.19 -D 169 300 M1- Window adhesive

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Window installation adhesive180
180 ml
(single application)
VW Amarok, CC, VW EOS, VW Golf, VW Golf Variant, VW Jetta, VW Jetta Variant, VW Fusca,
VW Passat, VW Passat Variant, VW Tiguan, VW Touareg and VW T-Cross
Sunroof frame180
180 ml
(single application)
VW Golf (Mexico)

6.20 -D 169 300 M2- Window adhesive

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Windscreen and rear window
installation adhesive
300 ml
(single application)
VW Amarok, CC, VW EOS, VW Gol, VW Golf, VW Golf Variant, VW Jetta, VW Jetta Variant, VW Fusca,
VW Passat, VW Passat Variant, VW Polo, VW Saveiro, VW Spacefox, VW Tiguan, VW T-Cross
Fixed side
window installation adhesive
100 mlVW Tiguan
Adhesive for installation of
the lower side member trim
100 mlVW Golf Track, VW Saveiro Cross

6.21 -D 172 090 A2- Adhesive

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Installation of the folding
fabric sunroof frame
200 ml
(per application)
VW Golf Variant

6.22 -D 174 003 M2- Silicone sealant

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Installation of entire toothed
belt protection at the cylinder block
80 ml10 ml
(per application)
VW Amarok
Installation of underside protection
of the cylinder block timing chain
80 ml10 ml
(per application)
EA 888 engine

6.23 -D 176 404 A3- Adhesive silicone

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Engine oil carter seal (top and bottom)120 g60 gEA 111 1.6l engines
Engine oil carter seal (bottom)120 g40 gEA 111 1.0l engines

6.24 -D 176 204 R2- Adhesive silicone

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Cylinder head cover gasket120 g5 ml (2 g)EA 111 engines

6.25 -D 176 404 M2- Adhesive silicone

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Engine oil carter seal80 ml40 mlEA 111 1.0l and 1.6l engines

6.26 -D 176 501 A1- Adhesive silicone

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Engine oil carter seal
(top and bottom)
50 ml
(71 g)
25 ml
(35 g)
EA 211 1.0l, 1.4l and 1.6l engines
Engine oil carter seal50 ml
(71 g)
50 ml
(71 g)
VW Amarok
Installation of the pipe socket
on the cylinder head
50 ml
(71 g)
10 ml
(7 g)
EA 189 engines
Installation of oil separator in
cylinder block
50 ml
(71 g)
10 ml
(7 g)
EA 211 engines
Valve control housing on the
cylinder head
50 ml
(71 g)
15 ml
(21 g)
EA 189 engines

6.27 -D 180 KU1 A1- 2-component adhesive for plastic

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Replacement of the parking
aid sender support bracket
50 ml5 ml
(each support bracket)
VW Jetta

6.28 -D 180 KU2 A1- 2-component adhesive for plastic

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Replacement of the parking
aid sender support bracket
50 ml5 ml
(each support bracket)
VW T-Cross
Interior mirror
support bracket
50 ml10 mlVW Amarok, VW Polo, VW Virtus and
VW T-Cross

6.29 -D 181 220 A1- Activating agent

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Mudflap cover25 ml5 mlVW Amarok

6.30 -D 181 655 A1- Activating agent

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Mudflap cover15 ml5 mlVW Fox Pepper, VW Amarok
Lower side
member trim
15 ml5 mlGol Track, VW Saveiro Cross

6.31 -D 181 802 M1- Glass primer

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Windscreen10 ml2 mlVW T-Cross, VW Gol, VW Voyage and VW Saveiro
Sunroof frame10 ml5 mlVW Golf (Mexico)

6.32 Liquid sealant -D 185 400 A2-

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Locking of the dodecahedron nut on the outer thread of the
drive shaft (vehicles with FS II 13" and PR = 1N0 brake caliper)
50 ml1 ml
(per nut)
VW Fox (5Z1 and 5Z3)

6.33 Liquid sealant -D 185 400 A3-

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Locking of the dodecahedron nut on the outer thread of the
drive shaft (vehicles with FS II 13" and PR = 1N0 brake caliper)
50 ml1 ml
(per nut)
VW Fox (5Z1 and 5Z3)

6.34 Liquid sealant -D 185 410 A2-

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Splines between pinion
and flange (rear axle)
10 ml1 mlVW Amarok

6.35 -D 185 520 A2- Sealing compound

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Mechanical gearbox sealing (0C6)50 ml25 mlVW Amarok

6.36 -D 190 MKD A3- Assembly adhesive

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Installation of
the wheel arch trim
100 mlVW Amarok

6.37 Liquid sealant -D 192 100 A2-

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Splines between pinion
and flange (rear axle)
50 ml2 mlVW Amarok

6.38 -D 195 850 A1- Cleaning solution

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Replacement of the parking
aid sender support bracket
2 ml
(each support bracket)
VW Jetta

6.39 -D 316 D38 A2- Protective wax

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Leaf spring set
50 ml
(per leaf spring set)
VW Amarok

6.40 -D 322 100 M2- Wachs-spray

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Wheel's centred
seating point
4 mlVW EOS, VW Jetta, VW Jetta Variant,
VW Passat, VW Passat Variant and VW Touareg
Junction point of the wheel
bearing unit to the brake drum
5 mlVW Fox, VW Gol, VW Voyage, VW Polo,
VW Virtus, VW up! and VW T-Cross

6.41 -D 330 KD2 A1- Cavity spray

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Package compartment
cross piece
130 mlVW Virtus

6.42 -D 366 PR1 A1- Plastic primer

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
External sealing (panoramic sunroof)40 ml5 mlVW Tiguan

6.43 -D 454 300 A2- Sealing compound

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Cylinder head
cover gasket
120 g5 gCC
Sealing of the
constant-velocity protection boot
120 g2 gVW Amarok, CC, VW Fox, VW Fusca, VW Gol, VW Golf, VW Golf Variant, VW Jetta, VW Passat,
VW Passat Variant, VW Polo, VW Polo Sedan, Parati, VW Saveiro, VW Spacefox,
VW Tiguan, VW Touareg, VW Voyage, VW Polo, VW Virtus and VW T-Cross

6.44 -D 469 101 A3- Gluing and sealing compound

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Door plastic
protective film
15 mlVW Amarok

6.45 -D 822 150 A1- Plastic surfacer

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Replacement of the parking
aid sender support bracket
2 ml
(each support bracket)
VW Jetta, VW T-Cross
Interior mirror
support bracket
2 mlVW Polo, VW Virtus and VW T-Cross

6.46 -G 000 100- Coupling teeth lubricant compound

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Input shaft80 g2 gMQ200, SQ100, SQ200,
and DQ200 gearboxes
Transfer box
Input shaft
80 g2 gVW Amarok
needle bearing
80 g2 gDQ200 Gearboxes
Clutch disengaging lever
and ball head
80 g1 gMQ200, SQ100 and
SQ200 gearboxes
Clutch slave
80 g1 gMQ200, SQ100 and
SQ200 gearboxes

6.47 -G 000 115 A2- Spray lubricant

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Rear lid lock200
4 ml
(per vehicle)
All imported vehicles
(except VW Amarok, VW Golf, VW Golf Variant, Fusca and VW Jetta)

6.48 -G 000 150- Consistent lubricating paste

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Tail lift and bonnet80 g5 g (per vehicle)VW Amarok
Bonnet lock80 g1 gVW Amarok
Door limiter80 g4 g (per vehicle)VW CC (solely MY 2017)

6.49 -G 000 405 A2- Silicone paste

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Temporary spare wheel
support striker
50 g2 gVW Crossfox
Metal/rubber bearings of
the wishbone
50 g2 g
(per bearing)
VW Gol, VW Voyage, VW Saveiro and
VW Fox
Gearbox cushion Installation50 g1 gVW Gol, VW Voyage and VW Saveiro
Lubrication of the cushions in the seating pattern
area of the axial bearings, as per TPI 2060479
50 g2 g
(per bearing)
VW T-Cross

6.50 -G 000 450 02- Lubrication paste

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Door locks90 g4 g
(per vehicle)
VW up!
Rear lid buffers90 g4 gVW Saveiro
Sunroof90 g15 gVW Jetta, VW Fox, VW Crossfox,
VW Spacefox
Selector lever assembly (lever, selector
bracket, bearing shells, housing)
90 g10 gVW up!
Selector lever, gate relay lever and
selector lever shaft set
90 g4 gVW Golf, VW Fox, VW Polo, VW Virtus
Selector lever assembly (selector shaft,
gate relay lever, selector cables)
90 g6 gVW Gol, VW Voyage, VW Saveiro, VW Fox,
VW Spacefox, VW Polo, VW Virtus
Installation of the ABS
speed sensor
90 g2 g
(per sensor)
VW Gol, VW Voyage, VW Saveiro, VW Fox,
VW Spacefox, VW Polo, VW Virtus, VW T-Cross, VW up!

6.51 -G 000 650- Consistent lubricating paste

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Front brake caliper, rear
brake cylinder and brake pads
100 g4 gVW Amarok, VW Gol, VW Voyage, VW Saveiro, VW Fox,
VW Spacefox, VW Polo, VW Virtus, VW T-Cross
Installation of the ABS
speed sensor
90 g2 g
(per sensor)
VW Jetta (163)

6.52 -G 052 109 A2- Assembly paste

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Mounting of the tyre
on the wheel
120 g4 g
(per wheel)
VW Golf, VW Jetta, VW Golf Variant,
VW Fox, VW Jetta Variant and VW Spacefox

6.53 -G 052 112 A3- High temperature paste

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
ABS speed
170 g2 g
(per sensor)
VW Tiguan Allspace
Lambda probe
and exhaust system manifold
170 g5 gVW Amarok
Front exhaust
170 g1 g
(per bolt)
EA211 engines
Lambda probe170 g2 g
(per sensor)
EA111, EA211, and EA888

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Securing bolts of the oil return pipe
170 g1 g
(per bolt)
VW Amarok

6.54 -G 052 128 A1- Thrust ring sealing grease

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Flange retainer/drive shaft50 g2 g
(per retainer)
MQ200, MQ250, MQ350,
SQ200, SQ100 and DQ381 gearboxes

6.55 -G 052 133 A2- Lubricating paste for high temperatures

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
External constant-velocity
90 g90 g
(per axle)
VW Fox, VW Gol, VW Jetta, VW Jetta Variant, VW Fusca, VW Passat, VW Passat
Variant, VW Saveiro, VW Spacefox and VW Voyage
Bearing and on the double
clutch set axle shaft
90 g2 g
(each application)
VW Golf (DSG 6 speed)

6.56 -G 052 135 A1- Lubricating oil

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Installation of the constant
velocity joint shaft into the wheel hub
4 ml (per shaft)VW Golf, VW Polo, VW Virtus, VW up! and
VW T-Cross

6.57 -G 052 142 A2- Polyurethane lubricating compound

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Installation of
the ABS
speed sensor
400 g2 g
(per sensor)
VW Amarok, CC, VW Fox, VW Gol, VW Golf, VW Golf Variant, VW Fusca, VW Passat, VW Passat Variant,
VW Passat CC, VW Saveiro, VW Spacefox, VW Tiguan, VW Touareg, VW Voyage, VW up!, VW Polo,
VW Virtus, VW T-Cross and VW Jetta (BU3)
Installation of
the clutch switch
400 g2 g
(per switch)
VW Amarok, MQ200 transmissions
Installation of
the over-centre spring
400 g2 gVW Polo, VW Virtus, VW T-Cross
Memory block (plastic) of
lower rail at the front seat
400 g4 g
(each seat)
VW Gol, VW Voyage and VW Saveiro
Sealing ring of the selector
shaft at the selector mechanism
400 g0.5 gSQ200 Gearboxes

6.58 -G 052 150 A2- Lithium lubricating paste

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Front brake caliper and
180 g2 gVW Gol, VW Golf, VW Golf Variant, VW Fox, New VW Jetta, VW Polo, VW Saveiro,
VW Spacefox, VW T-Cross, VW Tiguan Allspace, VW up!, VW Virtus, VW Voyage
Rear brake caliper and
180 g2 gVW Golf, VW Golf Variant, New VW Jetta, VW Polo, VW Virtus, VW T-Cross,
VW Tiguan Allspace
Bonded rubber bush lubricant180 g2 g
(per bearing)
VW Gol, VW Voyage, VW Saveiro, VW Fox,
VW Spacefox, VW Polo, VW Virtus, VW up!, VW T-Cross, VW Nivus
Installation of the parking
brake motor
180 g2 gNew VW Jetta

6.59 -G 052 168 A1- Steering box lubricant

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Installation of
boot with steering bar
10 g1 gVW Amarok, CC, VW Fox, VW Gol, VW Golf, VW Golf Variant, VW Jetta, VW Fusca, VW Passat,
VW Passat Variant, VW Passat CC, VW Polo, VW Saveiro, VW Spacefox, VW Tiguan,
VW Touareg, VW Voyage, VW Virtus, VW up!, VW T-Cross

6.60 -G 052 172 A1- Special lubricant

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Solar roof
(TPI 2049029)
30 ml5 mlVW Passat, VW Passat Variant,
VW Golf

6.61 -G 052 172 M2- Special lubricant

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Solar roof
(TPI 2049029)
100 mlVW Passat, VW Passat Variant,
VW Golf

6.62 -G 052 181 A4- Lubricating paste for constant velocity joints

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
External constant-velocity
140 g140 gVW Polo, VW Virtus, VW Nivus

6.63 -G 052 528 A2- Lubricating paste for constant velocity joints

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
External constant velocity
120 g120 gCC, VW Fusca, VW Polo, VW Virtus, VW T-Cross
External and internal
constant velocity joint
120 g120 gVW Gol, VW Voyage, VW Saveiro, VW Tiguan Allspace, VW Touareg,
VW Passat, VW Passat Variant,
1) Confirm the application reference in the Electronic parts catalogue ETKA

6.64 -G 052 565 A1- Silicone paste

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Ignition coil20 g1 g
(per coil)
EA211, EA390, EA824 and
EA888 engines

6.65 -G 052 723 A2- Moly paste

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Installation of the front bearing
into the wheel bearing housing
50 ml5 ml
(per bearing)
All National Vehicles (except VW Golf BC1 and BC2)

6.66 -G 052 735 A2- Multi-purpose grease

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Lubrication of rear wheel
bearings (with adjustment)
120 g4 g
(each bearing)
Wheel bearings with adjustment
Replacement of rear wheel
bearings (with adjustment)
120 g17 g
(each brake drum)
Wheel bearings with adjustment (according to action 42F7)

6.67 -G 052 738 A2- Lubricating paste for constant velocity joints

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
External constant-velocity
120 g120 gVW Amarok, CC, VW Golf, VW Golf Variant, VW Jetta, VW Fusca, VW Passat,
VW Passat Variant, VW Tiguan, VW Touareg, VW up!, VW T-Cross
Cardan shaft
(splined shaft and seal)
120 g4 gVW Amarok
Memory block (plastic) of
upper rail at the front seat
120 g2 g
(each set)
VW Gol, VW Voyage and VW Saveiro

6.68 -G 052 738 A3- Thrust ring sealing grease

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Gearbox radial
400 g4 g
(per retainer)
Mechanical gearboxes

6.69 -G 052 745 A3- Lubricating paste for low temperature

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Front seat
1 kg4 g
(per seat)
VW Gol, VW Voyage and VW Saveiro
Rear lid shock
1 kg2 g
(each shock absorber)
VW Fox
Door lock1 kg2 g
(per lock)
VW Gol, VW Voyage and VW Saveiro

6.70 -G 052 751 A1- Molybdenum pasta

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Installation of the constant
velocity joint shaft into the wheel hub
60 g4 g
(per axle)
VW Gol, VW Voyage, VW Saveiro,
VW Fox and VW Spacefox

6.71 -G 052 778 A2- Spray lubricant

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Door limiter50 ml4 ml
(per vehicle)
VW Amarok
Selector selector shaft, gate relay lever,
selector cables and selector lever
50 ml4 ml
(each set)
VW Golf, VW Polo, VW Virtus, VW T-Cross,
VW Gol, VW Voyage and VW Saveiro
Installation of
the ABS speed sensor
50 ml1 ml
(per sensor)
VW Golf, VW Polo, VW Virtus and VW T-Cross

6.72 -G 052 817 A1- Contact grease

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Electro valve, electric motor
and sensor connectors
10 g1 g
(per connector)
SQ200 Gearboxes

6.73 -G 055 128 A1- Thrust ring sealing grease

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Flange retainer/drive shaft2)50 g2 g
(per retainer)
VW Jetta, VW Golf, VW Passat, VW Passat
Variant, VW T-Cross, VW Tiguan
2) Confirm the application reference in the Electronic parts catalogue ETKA

6.74 -G 060 567 A2- Special lubricant

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Solar roof
(TPI 2049029)
100 ml(TPI 2049029)
20 mlVW Jetta (BU3), VW Passat, VW Passat Variant,
VW Tiguan Allspace, VW Touareg, VW T-Cross

6.75 -G 060 735 A2- Multi-purpose grease

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Sealing rings of shaft to input shaft
(transfer box),
50 g2 g
(per sealing ring)
VW Amarok

6.76 -G 060 751 A2- Consistent lubricating paste

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Sunroof160 g16 gAll imported (except VW Jetta)

6.77 -G 065 567 A2- Cleaning solution

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Solar roof
(TPI 2049029)
20 mlVW Passat, VW Passat Variant,
VW Golf

6.78 -G 070 528 R2- Lubricating paste for constant velocity joints

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Internal constant velocity joint140 g140 gVW T-Cross, VW Nivus

6.79 -G 294 421 A1- Lubricating oil for assembly

ApplicationPackagingQuantity per applicationReference
Installation of rubber bearings
at steering box
1 ml
(each bearing)
VW Amarok
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