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VW Polo 2018 ->
Running gear, axles, steering
Edition 02.2019
Raising wheel bearing assembly to unladen position (vehicles with coil springs), front axle
Respective nuts and bolts may be tightened only when dimension -a- between the centre of wheel hub and edge of wheel housing has been attained.
The dimension -a- depends on the ride height of the installed running gear:
Running gear 1)
PR numbers
Ride height -a- in mm
G01, G02
384 ± 10 mm
G03, G04
369 ± 10 mm
Sport with adaptive chassis control
G09, G10
369 ± 10 mm
Raised running gear
G05, G06
399 ± 10 mm
1) The type of running gear fitted to the vehicle is recorded on the vehicle data sticker. The running gear is identified by the PR number.
Raising wheel bearing assembly to unladen position (vehicles with coil springs), rear axle
Respective nuts and bolts may be tightened only when dimension -a- between the centre of wheel hub and edge of wheel housing has been attained.
Measuring dimension -aThe dimension -a- depends on the ride height of the installed running gear:
Running gear 1)
PR numbers
Ride height -a- in mm
1JP, 1JJ
391 ± 10 mm
1JS, 1JC
376 ± 10 mm
Sport with adaptive chassis control
376 ± 10 mm
Raised running gear
406 ± 10 mm
1) The type of running gear fitted to the vehicle is recorded on the vehicle data sticker. The running gear is identified by the PR number.
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