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VW Tiguan 2.0 DBGC 2018, VW Touran 1.6 BSE 2008
Fuses of VW Tiguan I
Volkswagen Tiguan (model: 5N1) 2008 - 2011
Volkswagen Tiguan (model: 5N2) 2012 - 2016

Overview of fuses
1 - Fuses (SA) on fuse holder A
2 - Fuses (SB) on fuse holder B
3 - Fuses (SC) on fuse holder C, in driver's footwell
4 - Thermal fuse, in driver's footwell

Fitting location of fuses (SA) on E-box low, VW Tiguan from November 2007
Specified torque settings

1 - Fuse holder A -SA-


Fuse colours
200 A - purple
150 A - grey
125 A - pink
100 A - blue
80 A - white
70 A - brown
60 A - yellow
50 A - red
40 A - green
30 A - orange

Fuse assignment (SA) on E-box low, VW Tiguan from November 2007

No.Current flow diagram designationNominal valueFunction/componentTerminal
1-SA1-Fuse 1 on fuse holder A150A
Metal strip
C-Alternator (90A/120A)
C-Alternator (140A)
C-Generator (180A), 200A fuse integrated in wiring harness
2-SA2-Fuse 2 on fuse holder A80A-J500-Power steering control unit
V187-Electromechanical power steering motor
3-SA3-Fuse 3 on fuse holder A80A
50A 1)
-J293-Radiator fan control unit
V7-Radiator fan
V177-Radiator fan 2
4-SA4-Fuse 4 on fuse holder A40A
80A 1)
-J359-Low heat output relay
J360-High heat output relay1)
Z35-Auxiliary air heater element
5-SA5-Fuse 5 on fuse holder A80A
--SC20-SC20·-SC24,·SC42-SC52, fuses on fuse holder C in driver's footwell
SC20-optional equipment, SC20-SC24, SC42-SC56, fuses on fuse holder C in
driver's footwell
6-508-Threaded connection (30), on E-box--Supply terminal 3030
7-SA6-Fuse 6 on fuse holder A40A 1)
-J359-Low heat output relay1)
J360-High heat output relay
Z35-Auxiliary air heater element
8-SA7-Fuse 7 on fuse holder A50A-J345-Trailer detector control unit/preparation for tow coupling30a

Fitting location of fuses (SA) on E-box low, VW Tiguan from November 2008

Fuse colours

200 A - purple
150 A - grey
125 A - pink
100 A - blue
80 A - white
70 A - brown
60 A - yellow
50 A - red
40 A - green
30 A - orange


Fuse assignment (SA) on E-box low, VW Tiguan from November 2008

No.Current flow diagram designationNominal valueFunction/componentTerminal
1-SA1-Fuse 1 on fuse holder A150A
C-Alternator (90A/120A)
C-Alternator (140A)
C-Generator (180A), 200A fuse integrated in wiring harness
2-SA2-Fuse 2 on fuse holder A80A-J500-Power steering control unit
V187-Electromechanical power steering motor
3-SA3-Fuse 3 on fuse holder A80A
50A 1)
-J293-Radiator fan control unit
V7-Radiator fan
V177-Radiator fan 2
4-SA4-Fuse 4 on fuse holder A80A-J293-Radiator fan control unit2)
J360-High heat output relay1)
Z35-Auxiliary air heater element
5-SA5-Fuse 5 on fuse holder A80A
--SC20-SC20·-SC24,·SC42-SC52, fuses on fuse holder C in driver's footwell
SC20-optional equipment, SC20-SC24, SC42-SC56, fuses on fuse holder C
in driver's footwell
6-SA6-Fuse 6 on fuse holder A40A-J359-Low heat output relay1)
Z35-Auxiliary air heater element
7-TV2-Terminal 30 wiring junction--508-Threaded connection (30), on E-box30
8-SA7-Fuse 7 on fuse holder A50A-J345-Trailer detector control unit/preparation for tow coupling30a
1) Depends on equipment
2) Only models with a 1.4l petrol engine

Fuse assignment (SA) on E-box low, VW Tiguan from May 2009

No.Current flow diagram designationNominal valueFunction/componentTerminal
-SA1-BFuse 1 on fuse holder A150A
200A 1)
-Alternator -C-30a
-SA2-CFuse 2 on fuse holder A80A-Power steering control unit -J500-
Electromechanical power steering motor -V187-
-SA3-EFuse 3 on fuse holder A80A
50A 1)
-Radiator fan control unit -J293-
Radiator fan -V7-
Radiator fan 2 -V177-
-SA4-HFuse 4 on fuse holder A80A-Radiator fan control unit -J293- 2)
High heat output relay -J360- 1)
Auxiliary air heater element -Z35-
-SA5-DFuse 5 on fuse holder A80A-SC20 - SC24, SC43 - SC53, fuses on fuse holder C30a
-SA6-FFuse 6 on fuse holder A40A-Low heat output relay -J359- 1)
Auxiliary air heater element -Z35-
-TV2--Terminal 30 wiring junction--508 Threaded connection (30), on E-box30
-SA7--Fuse 7 on fuse holder A50A-Trailer detector control unit -J345-30a
1) Depends on equipment
2) Only models with a 1.4l petrol engine

Fitting location of fuses (SA) on E-box low, VW Tiguan from May 2011

1 - Fuse holder A -SA-


Fuse colours
Multifuse strip fuse
Note: The fuse strip (multifuse) must be replaced as a complete unit

Fuse assignment (SA) on E-box low, VW Tiguan from May 2011

No.Current flow diagram designationNominal valueFunction/componentTerminal
SA1BFuse 1 on fuse holder A -SA1-200AAlternator -C-30a
SA2CFuse 2 on fuse holder A -SA2-80APower steering control unit -J500-30a
SA3GFuse 3 on fuse holder A -SA3-50AFuse 40 on fuse holder C -SC40-
Trailer detector control unit -J345-
SA4EFuse 4 on fuse holder A -SA4-60ARadiator fan control unit -J293- 2)30a
SA5DFuse 5 on fuse holder A -SA5-80AFuse holder C -SC-
SC20 - SC24
SC43 - SC53
508508 Threaded connection (30), on E-boxTerminal 30 wiring junction -TV2-30a
SA6HFuse 6 on fuse holder A -SA6-70ARadiator fan control unit -J293- 1)
High heat output relay -J360- 3)
SA7-Not assigned--
SA8FFuse 8 on fuse holder A -SA8-40ALow heat output relay -J359- 3)30a
1) Only models with a 1.4 l petrol engine
2) Only models with a 2.0 l engine
3) Depends on equipme

Fuse assignment (SA) on E-box low, VW Tiguan from November 2011

No.Current flow diagram designationNominal valueFunction/componentTerminal
SA1BFuse 1 on fuse holder A -SA1-200AAlternator -C-30a
SA2CFuse 2 on fuse holder A -SA2-80APower steering control unit -J500-30a
SA3GFuse 3 on fuse holder A -SA3-50AFuse 40 on fuse holder C -SC40-
Trailer detector control unit -J345-
SA4EFuse 4 on fuse holder A -SA4-50ARadiator fan control unit -J293- 2)30a
SA5DFuse 5 on fuse holder A -SA5-80AFuse holder C -SC-
SC20 - SC24
SC43 - SC53
508508 Threaded connection (30), on E-box--Terminal 30 wiring junction -TV2-30a
SA6HFuse 6 on fuse holder A -SA6-70ARadiator fan control unit -J293- 1)
High heat output relay -J360- 3)
SA7-Not assigned--
SA8FFuse 8 on fuse holder A -SA8-40ALow heat output relay -J359- 3)30a

Fuses (SB) on E-box on left in engine compartment
Fuse assignment (SB) on E-box low, VW Tiguan from May 2009


No.Current flow diagram designationNominal valueFunction/componentTerminal
F1-Fuse 1 on fuse holder B -SB1----Vacant-
F2-Fuse 2 on fuse holder B -SB2----Vacant-
F3-Fuse 3 on fuse holder B -SB3-5A-Onboard supply control unit -J519- (T52a/24)30a
F4-Fuse 4 on fuse holder B -SB4-30A-ABS control unit -J104-
ABS hydraulic unit -N55-
F5-Fuse 5 on fuse holder B -SB5----Vacant-
F6-Fuse 6 on fuse holder B -SB6-5A-Control unit in dash panel insert -J285-
Steering column electronics control unit -J527-
F7-Fuse 7 on fuse holder B -SB7-40A-Terminal 15 voltage supply relay 2 -J681-30a
F8-Fuse 8 on fuse holder B -SB8-25A-Control unit with display for radio and navigation -J503-
Radio -R
TV tuner -R78- 1)
Satellite digital radio tuner -R190-
Multimedia system control unit -J650-
F8-Fuse 8 on fuse holder B -SB8- 5)25A-Voltage stabiliser -J532- 5)30a
F9-Fuse 9 on fuse holder B -SB9-5A-Mobile telephone operating electronics control unit -J412-30a
F10-Fuse 10 on fuse holder B -SB10-5A 1)
10A 1)
--Terminal 30 voltage supply relay -J317-
Engine control unit -J623-
F11-Fuse 11 on fuse holder B -SB11-20A
30A 6)
-Auxiliary heater control unit -J364-30a
F12-Fuse 12 on fuse holder B -SB12-5A-Data bus diagnostic interface -J533-30a
F13-Fuse 13 on fuse holder B -SB13-15A
30A 2)
-Engine control unit -J623-87a
F14-Fuse 14 on fuse holder B -SB14-20A-Fuel pressure regulating valve -N276-
Fuel metering valve -N290-
Ignition coil 1 with output stage -N70-
Ignition coil 2 with output stage -N127-
Ignition coil 3 with output stage -N291-
Ignition coil 4 with output stage -N292-
Magnetic clutch for supercharger -N421-
Lambda probe heater -Z19-
Lambda probe 1 heater after catalytic converter -Z29-
Fuel system diagnostic pump -V144-
Fuel pump relay -J17-
Automatic glow period control unit -J179-
Electric fuel pump 2 relay -J49-
F15-Fuse 15 on fuse holder B -SB15-10A 1)
15A 1)
5A 2)
F16-Fuse 16 on fuse holder B -SB16-30A-Onboard supply control unit -J519- (T52c/42)30a
F17-Fuse 17 on fuse holder B -SB17-15A-Alarm horn relay -J641-30a
F18-Fuse 18 on fuse holder B -SB18-30A-Digital sound package amplifier -R184-30a
F19-Fuse 19 on fuse holder B -SB19-30A-Wiper motor control unit -J400-30a
F20-Fuse 20 on fuse holder B -SB20-10A
15A 6)
-Fuel pressure regulating valve -N276-
Coolant circulation pump -V50- 1)
F21-Fuse 21 on fuse holder B -SB21-10A 2)
20A 3)
-Lambda probe heater -Z19-
Fuel pump control unit -J538-
F22-Fuse 22 on fuse holder B -SB22-5A-Clutch position sender -G476-87a
F23-Fuse 23 on fuse holder B -SB23-10A-Charge pressure control solenoid valve -N75-
Exhaust gas recirculation cooler changeover valve -N345-
Fuel pressure regulating valve -N276- 4)
Air mass meter -G70- 1)
F24-Fuse 24 on fuse holder B -SB24-10A-Radiator fan control unit -J293-
Low heat output relay -J359-
High heat output relay -J360-
Additional coolant pump relay -J496-
Motronic current supply relay 2 -J670-
Charge pressure control solenoid valve -N75-
Activated charcoal filter solenoid valve 1 -N80-
Camshaft control valve 1 -N205-
Turbocharger air recirculation valve -N249-
Intake manifold flap valve -N316-
Coolant circulation pump 2 -V178-
Coolant circulation pump -V50-
Fuel pump relay -J17- 1)
F25-Fuse 25 on fuse holder B -SB25-40A-ABS control unit -J104-30a
F26-Fuse 26 on fuse holder B -SB26-30A-Onboard supply control unit -J519- (T52a/1)30a
F27-Fuse 27 on fuse holder B -SB27----Vacant-
F28-Fuse 28 on fuse holder B -SB28-50A-Automatic glow period control unit -J179-30a
F29-Fuse 29 on fuse holder B -SB29-50A-Driver seat adjustment thermal fuse 1 -S44-
Fuse 54 on fuse holder C -SC54-
Fuse 55 on fuse holder C -SC55-
Fuse 56 on fuse holder C -SC56-
Fuse 57 on fuse holder C -SC57-
F30-Fuse 30 on fuse holder B -SB30-50A-X-contact relief relay -J59-30a
1) According to equipment
2) Only models with a diesel engine
3) Only models with petrol engine
4) Only models with a 1.4l petrol engine
5) Only models with start/stop system
6) from November 2010

Fuses (SB) on E-box low on left in engine compartment, VW Tiguan from May 2011
Fuse colours
1 - Fuse holder B -SB-


50 A - red
40 A - orange
30 A - light green
25 A - natural (white)
20 A - yellow
15 A - light blue
10 A - red
7.5 A - brown
5 A - light brown
3 A - purple

Fuse assignment for E-box low, VW Tiguan from May 2011

No.Current flow diagram designationNominal valueFunction/componentTerminal
F1-Fuse 1 on fuse holder B -SB1-15AMechatronic unit for dual clutch gearbox -J743-Kl.30
F2-Fuse 2 on fuse holder B -SB2-30AABS control unit -J104-
F3-Fuse 3 on fuse holder B -SB3-15ADual tone horn relay -J4-Terminal
F4-Fuse 4 on fuse holder B -SB4-not assigned
F5-Fuse 5 on fuse holder B -SB5-5AOnboard supply control unit -J519-
Battery monitor control unit -J367- 2)
F6-Fuse 6 on fuse holder B -SB6-not assigned
F7-Fuse 7 on fuse holder B -SB7-25AVoltage stabiliser -J532- 2)
Control unit with display for radio and navigation -J503- 3)
Multimedia system control unit -J650-
F8-Fuse 8 on fuse holder B -SB8-40ATerminal 15 voltage supply relay 2 -J681-Terminal
F9-Fuse 9 on fuse holder B -SB9-not assigned
F10-Fuse 10 on fuse holder B -SB10-5ALambda probe heater -Z19-
Lambda probe 1 heater after catalytic converter -Z29-
Magnetic clutch for supercharger -N421- 1)
Fuel system diagnostic pump -V144- 1)
Automatic glow period control unit -J179- 4)
F11-Fuse 11 on fuse holder B -SB11-5AControl unit in dash panel insert -J285- 3)
Steering column electronics control unit -J527- 3)
F12-Fuse 12 on fuse holder B -SB12-5AMobile telephone operating electronics control unit -J412-Terminal
F13-Fuse 13 on fuse holder B -SB13-10A 5)
Engine control unit -J623-
Terminal 30 voltage supply relay -J317-
F14-Fuse 14 on fuse holder B -SB14-30A 4)
Engine control unit -J623-Terminal
F15-Fuse 15 on fuse holder B -SB15-5AData bus diagnostic interface -J533-Terminal
F16-Fuse 16 on fuse holder B -SB16-10ACharge pressure control solenoid valve -N75- 4)
Exhaust gas recirculation cooler changeover valve -N345- 4)
Air mass meter -G70- 4)
Fuel pressure regulating valve -N276-
F17-Fuse 17 on fuse holder B -SB17-10A
Coolant circulation pump -V50- 4)
Fuel pressure regulating valve -N276- 5)
F18-Fuse 18 on fuse holder B -SB18-10A
Lambda probe heater -Z19- 4)
Fuel pump control unit -J538- 1)
F19-Fuse 19 on fuse holder B -SB19-30ADigital sound package amplifier -R184-Terminal
F20-Fuse 20 on fuse holder B -SB20-5AClutch position sender -G476-Terminal
F21-Fuse 21 on fuse holder B -SB21-30AAuxiliary heater control unit -J364-Terminal
F22-Fuse 22 on fuse holder B -SB22-30AWiper motor control unit -J400-Terminal
F23-Fuse 23 on fuse holder B -SB23-10AHigh heat output relay -J360-
Low heat output relay -J359-
Fuel pump relay -J17-
Coolant circulation pump 2 -V178-
Radiator fan control unit -J293-
Electric fuel pump 2 relay -J49-
Charge pressure control solenoid valve -N75-
Turbocharger air recirculation valve -N249-
Activated charcoal filter solenoid valve 1 -N80-
Camshaft control valve 1 -N205-
Intake manifold flap valve -N316-
Motronic current supply relay 2 -J670-
Brake light switch -F- 7)
F24-Fuse 24 on fuse holder B -SB24-20A
15A 4)
Ignition coil 1 with output stage -N70-
Ignition coil 2 with output stage -N127-
Ignition coil 3 with output stage -N291-
Ignition coil 4 with output stage -N292-
Fuel metering valve -N290- 4)
Fuel pressure regulating valve -N276- 4)
F25-Fuse 25 on fuse holder B -SB25-30AOnboard supply control unit -J519-
F26-Fuse 26 on fuse holder B -SB26-30AOnboard supply control unit -J519-
F27-Fuse 27 on fuse holder B -SB27-50AX-contact relief relay -J59-Terminal
F28-Fuse 28 on fuse holder B -SB28-50AAutomatic glow period control unit -J179-Terminal
F29-Fuse 29 on fuse holder B -SB29-50ADriver seat adjustment thermal fuse 1 -S44-
Fuse 54 on fuse holder C -SC54-
Fuse 55 on fuse holder C -SC55-
Fuse 56 on fuse holder C -SC56-
Fuse 57 on fuse holder C -SC57-
F30-Fuse 30 on fuse holder B -SB30-40AABS control unit -J104-

1) Depending on equipment
2) Only models with stop/start system
3) Only models with no stop/start system
4) Only models with a 2.0 l diesel engine
5) Only models with a 2.0 l petrol engine
6) Only models with 1.4 l petrol engine (CAXA)
7) from November 2011

Fuses (SC) on fuse holder C, in driver's footwell
Fuse colours

50 A - red
40 A - orange
30 A - light green
25 A - natural (white)
20 A - yellow
15 A - light blue
10 A - red
7.5 A - brown
5 A - light brown
3 A - purple


Fuse assignment on fuse holder C, VW Tiguan from November 2007

No.Current flow diagram designationNominal valueFunction/componentTerminal
1-SC1-Fuse 1 on fuse holder C--- Not assigned-
2-SC2-Fuse 2 on fuse holder C--- Not assigned-
3-SC3-Fuse 3 on fuse holder C--- Not assigned-
4-SC4-Fuse 4 on fuse holder C--- Not assigned-
5-SC5-Fuse 5 on fuse holder C--- Not assigned-
6-SC6-Fuse 6 on fuse holder C--- Not assigned-
7-SC7-Fuse 7 on fuse holder C--- Not assigned-
8-SC8-Fuse 8 on fuse holder C--- Not assigned-
9-SC9-Fuse 9 on fuse holder C5A-K145-Front passenger front airbag deactivated warning lamp
J234-Airbag control unit
10-SC10-Fuse 10 on fuse holder C10A-J492-All-wheel drive control unit15a
11-SC11-Fuse 11 on fuse holder C5A-J446-Parking aid control unit
J791-Park assist steering control unit
12-SC12-Fuse 12 on fuse holder C10A-J667-Power output module for left headlight15a
13-SC13-Fuse 13 on fuse holder C5A-E256-Button for TCS and electronic stabilisation program
E492-Tyre Pressure Loss Indicator button
E540-AUTO HOLD button
E598-Driving program button
F4-Reversing light switch
G65-High-pressure sender
G238-Air quality sensor
G266-Oil level and oil temperature sender
J255-Climatronic control unit
J706-Seat occupied recognition control unit (only airbag systems for USA/
K237-AUTOHOLD warning lamp
Y7-Automatic anti-dazzle interior mirror
Z20-Left washer jet heater element
Z21-Right washer jet heater element
14-SC14-Fuse 14 on fuse holder C10A-E1-Light switch
F-Brake light switch
F47-Brake pedal switch
F189-Tiptronic switch
J104-ABS control unit
J250-Electronically controlled damping control unit
J255-Climatronic control unit (E94/E95 - heated seats regulator)
J285-Control unit in dash panel insert
J301-Air conditioning system control unit (E94/E95·-·heated seats regulator)
J345-Trailer detector control unit/ preparation trailer operation
J533-Data bus diagnostic interface
J500-Power steering control unit
J623-Engine control unit
15-SC15-Fuse 15 on fuse holder C10A-E102-Headlight range control regulator
G70-Air mass meter (CBAA, CBAB, CBBA, BXDB)
J485-Auxiliary heater operation relay
J540-Control unit for electromechanical parking brake
J745-Control unit for bend lighting and headlight range control
V48-Headlight range control motor
V49-Right headlight range control motor
16-SC16-Fuse 16 on fuse holder C10A-J668-Power output module for right headlight15a
17-SC17-Fuse 17 on fuse holder C---Vacant-
18-SC18-Fuse 18 on fuse holder C---Vacant-
19-SC19-Fuse 19 on fuse holder C---Vacant-
20-SC20-Fuse 20 on fuse holder C5A-F189-Tiptronic switch
J104-ABS control unit
J217-Automatic gearbox control unit
J255-Climatronic control unit
J301-Air conditioning system control unit
R149-Remote control receiver for auxiliary coolant heater
SC57-Supply for fuse 57 on fuse holder C1)
SC58-Supply for fuse 58 on fuse holder C2)
21-SC21-Fuse 21 on fuse holder C7.5A-J519-Onboard supply control unit
V59-Windscreen and rear window washer pump
22-SC22-Fuse 22 on fuse holder C5A-G273-Interior monitoring sensor
H12-Alarm horn
J641-Alarm horn relay (USA/Canada/Mexico)
1) To November 2008
2) from November 2008

No.Current flow diagram designationNominal valueFunction/componentTerminal
23-SC23-Fuse 23 on fuse holder C10A-E1-Light switch
E538-Electromechanical parking brake button
G197-Magnetic field sender for compass
G397-Rain and light detection sensor
J772-Reversing camera system control unit
T16-Diagnostic connection
24-SC24-Fuse 24 on fuse holder C10A-J386-Driver door control unit (window regulator)
J387-Front passenger door control unit (window regulator)
25-SC25-Fuse 25 on fuse holder C20A-F125-Multifunction switch
J217-Automatic gearbox control unit
26-SC26-Fuse 26 on fuse holder C---Vacant-
27-SC27-Fuse 27 on fuse holder C---Vacant-
28-SC28-Fuse 28 on fuse holder C15A-V12-Rear window wiper motor75a
29-SC29-Fuse 29 on fuse holder C15A-J730-Dual washer pump relay75a
30-SC30-Fuse 30 on fuse holder C20A-J29-Blocking diode
U1-Cigarette lighter
U5-12V socket
U18-12V socket 2
U19-12V socket 3
31-SC31-Fuse 31 on fuse holder C---Vacant-
32-SC32-Fuse 32 on fuse holder C---Vacant-
33-SC33-Fuse 33 on fuse holder C40A-E9-Fresh air blower switch
J485-Auxiliary heater operation relay
34-SC34-Fuse 34 on fuse holder C---Vacant-
35-SC35-Fuse 35 on fuse holder C---Vacant-
No.Current flow diagram designationNominal valueFunction/componentTerminal
36-SC36-Fuse 36 on fuse holder C30 A¹)-U13 - DC/AC converter with socket, 12 V - 230 V1)30a
37-SC37-Fuse 37 on fuse holder C15 A¹)-E176-Driver seat lumbar support adjustment switch1)30a
38-SC38-Fuse 38 on fuse holder C15 A¹)-J250-Electronically controlled damping control unit1)30a
39-SC39-Fuse 39 on fuse holder C15A-J345-Trailer detector control unit/ preparation trailer operation30a
40-SC40-Fuse 40 on fuse holder C15A-J345-Trailer detector control unit/ preparation trailer operation30a
41-SC41-Fuse 41 on fuse holder C20A-J345-Trailer detector control unit/ preparation trailer operation30a
42-SC42-Fuse 42 on fuse holder C25A-J245-Sliding sunroof adjustment control unit30a
43-SC43-Fuse 43 on fuse holder C20A-J540-Control unit for electromechanical parking brake30a
44-SC44-Fuse 44 on fuse holder C25A-J13-Fresh air blower relay
J519-Onboard supply control unit (heated rear window)
45-SC45-Fuse 45 on fuse holder C30A-J386-Driver door control unit (window regulator)
J387-Front passenger door control unit (window regulator)
46-SC46-Fuse 46 on fuse holder C30A-J388-Rear left door control unit (window regulator)
J389-Rear right door control unit (window regulator)
47-SC47-Fuse 47 on fuse holder C15A-J17-Fuel pump relay
J832-Relay for supplementary fuel pump
J749-Fuel pump relay for auxiliary heater
48-SC48-Fuse 48 on fuse holder C15A-J388-Left rear door control module (central locking)
J389-Rear right door control unit (central locking)
J393-Convenience system central control unit
1) from November 2008

No.Current flow diagram designationNominal valueFunction/componentTerminal
49-SC49-Fuse 49 on fuse holder C20A-J540-Control unit for electromechanical parking brake30a
50-SC50-Fuse 50 on fuse holder C40A-J126-Fresh air blower control unit30a
51-SC51-Fuse 51 on fuse holder C30A-J774-Heated front seats control unit30a
52-SC52-Fuse 52 on fuse holder C20A-J39-Headlight washer system relay30a
53-SC53-Fuse 53 on fuse holder C30A 1)-U13 - DC/AC converter with socket, 12 V - 230 V1)30a
54-SC54-Fuse 54 on fuse holder C15A 1)-E176-Driver seat lumbar support adjustment switch1)
E177-Front passenger seat lumbar support adjustment switch1)
55-SC55-Fuse 55 on fuse holder C15A1)-J250-Electronically controlled damping control unit1)30a
56-SC56-Fuse 56 on fuse holder C25A 1)-J394-Sunroof roller blind control unit1)30a
57-SC57-Fuse 57 on fuse holder C1A 1)
25A 2)
-K226-Trailer towing attachment locked warning lamp¹)
J394-Sunroof roller blind control unit2)
58-SC58-Fuse 58 on fuse holder C1A 2)-K226-Trailer towing attachment locked warning lamp2)30a
1) To November 2008
2) from November 2008

Fuses (SC) on fuse holder C, in driver's footwell
Fuse colours

50 A - red
40 A - orange
30 A - light green
25 A - natural (white)
20 A - yellow
15 A - light blue
10 A - red
7.5 A - brown
5 A - light brown
3 A - purple


Fuse assignment on fuse holder C, VW Tiguan from May 2009

No.Current flow diagram designationNominal valueFunction/componentTerminal
1-Fuse 1 on fuse holder C -SC1----Vacant-
2-Fuse 2 on fuse holder C -SC2----Vacant-
3-Fuse 3 on fuse holder C -SC3----Vacant-
4-Fuse 4 on fuse holder C -SC4----Vacant-
5-Fuse 5 on fuse holder C -SC5----Vacant-
6-Fuse 6 on fuse holder C -SC6----Vacant-
7-Fuse 7 on fuse holder C -SC7----Vacant-
8-Fuse 8 on fuse holder C -SC8----Vacant-
9-Fuse 9 on fuse holder C -SC9-5A-Front passenger airbag deactivated warning lamp -K145-
Airbag control unit -J234-
10-Fuse 10 on fuse holder C -SC10-10A-All-wheel drive control unit -J492-15a
11-Fuse 11 on fuse holder C -SC11-5A-Parking aid control unit -J446-
Park assist steering control unit -J791-
12-Fuse 12 on fuse holder C -SC12-10A-Left gas discharge bulb control unit -J343-15a
13-Fuse 13 on fuse holder C -SC13-5A-TCS and ESP button -E256-
Tyre Pressure Loss Indicator button -E492-
Driving program button -E598-
Auto-hold button -E540-
Reversing light switch -F4-
High-pressure sender -G65-
Air quality sensor -G238-
Oil level and oil temperature sender -G266-
Climatronic control unit -J255-
Seat occupied recognition control unit -J706-
Auto-hold warning lamp -K237-
Automatic anti-dazzle interior mirror -Y7-
Left washer jet heater element -Z20-
Right washer jet heater element -Z21-
14-Fuse 14 on fuse holder C -SC14-10A-Light switch -E1-
Brake light switch -F
Tiptronic switch -F189-
ABS control unit -J104-
Electronically controlled damping control unit -J250-
Climatronic control unit -J255- 2)
Control unit in dash panel insert -J285-
Air conditioning system control unit -J301- 2)
Trailer detector control unit -J345-
Data bus diagnostic interface -J533-
Power steering control unit -J500-
Engine control unit -J623-
Heater control unit -J162- 1)
Control unit for vehicle location system -J895- 1)
15-Fuse 15 on fuse holder C -SC15-10A-Switch and instrument illumination regulator -E20-
Air mass meter -G70-
Auxiliary heater operation relay -J485-
Control unit for electromechanical parking brake -J540-
Control unit for cornering light and headlight range control -J745-
Heater element for crankcase breather -N79-
Diagnostic connection -U31-
Left headlight range control motor -V48-
Right headlight range control motor -V49-
16-Fuse 16 on fuse holder C -SC16-10A-Right gas discharge bulb control unit -J344-15a
17-Fuse 17 on fuse holder C -SC17-5A-Control unit in dash panel insert -J285- 4)30a
18-Fuse 18 on fuse holder C -SC18-10A-Multimedia system control unit -J650- 4)
Mobile telephone operating electronics control unit -J412- 4)
Magnetic field sender for compass -G197- 4)
19-Fuse 19 on fuse holder C -SC19-10A-Steering column electronics control unit -J527- 4)30a
20-Fuse 20 on fuse holder C -SC20-5A-Tiptronic switch -F189-
ABS control unit -J104-
Automatic gearbox control unit -J217-
Climatronic control unit -J255- 2)
Air conditioning system control unit -J301-
Remote control receiver for auxiliary coolant heater -R149-
Heated rear window relay -J9-
Alarm horn relay -J641-
Heater control unit -J162- 1)
Fuse 58 on fuse holder C -SC58-
21-Fuse 21 on fuse holder C -SC21-15A-Onboard supply control unit -J519- (T52b/1)
Rear left door control unit -J388-
Rear right door control unit -J389-
Windscreen and rear window washer pump -V59-
22-Fuse 22 on fuse holder C -SC22-5A-Interior monitoring sensor -G273-
Alarm horn -H12-
Onboard supply control unit -J519- (T52c/1)
23-Fuse 23 on fuse holder C -SC23-10A-Light switch -E1-
Electromechanical parking brake button -E538-
Magnetic field sender for compass -G197-
Rain and light sensor -G397-
Reversing camera system control unit -J772-
Diagnostic connection -U31-
Entry and start authorisation control unit -J518- 1)
Control unit for vehicle location system -J895- 1)
Voltage stabiliser -J532- 4) 1)
24-Fuse 24 on fuse holder C -SC24-10A-Driver door control unit -J386-
Front passenger door control unit -J387-
25-Fuse 25 on fuse holder C -SC25-20A-Multifunction switch -F125-
Automatic gearbox control unit -J217-
Mechatronic unit for dual clutch gearbox -J743- 3)
26-Fuse 26 on fuse holder C -SC26----Vacant-
27-Fuse 27 on fuse holder C -SC27----Vacant-
28-Fuse 28 on fuse holder C -SC28-40A-Auxiliary heater operation relay -J485-
Air conditioning system control unit -J301-
29-Fuse 29 on fuse holder C -SC29-15A-Rear window wiper motor -V12-75a
30-Fuse 30 on fuse holder C -SC30----Vacant-
31-Fuse 31 on fuse holder C -SC31-20A-Blocking diode -J29-
Cigarette lighter -U1-
12 V socket -U5-
12 V socket 2 -U18-
12 V socket 3 -U19-
32-Fuse 32 on fuse holder C -SC32----Vacant-
33-Fuse 33 on fuse holder C -SC33----Vacant-
34-Fuse 34 on fuse holder C -SC34----Vacant-
35-Fuse 35 on fuse holder C -SC35----Vacant-
36-Fuse 36 on fuse holder C -SC36----Vacant-
37-Fuse 37 on fuse holder C -SC37----Vacant-
38-Fuse 38 on fuse holder C -SC38- 1)10A-Control unit for electronic steering column lock -J764- 1)30a
39-Fuse 39 on fuse holder C -SC39- 1)20A-Headlight washer system relay -J39- 1)30a
40-Fuse 40 on fuse holder C -SC40-15A-Trailer detector control unit -J345-30a
41-Fuse 41 on fuse holder C -SC41-15A-Trailer detector control unit -J345-30a
42-Fuse 41 on fuse holder C -SC42-20A-Trailer detector control unit -J345-30a
43-Fuse 43 on fuse holder C -SC43-25A-Sliding sunroof adjustment control unit -J245-30a
44-Fuse 44 on fuse holder C -SC44-25A-Control unit for electromechanical parking brake -J540-30a
45-Fuse 45 on fuse holder C -SC45-25A-Fresh air blower relay -J13-
Heated rear window relay -J9-
46-Fuse 46 on fuse holder C -SC46-30A-Driver door control unit -J386-
Front passenger door control unit -J387-
47-Fuse 47 on fuse holder C -SC47-30A-Driver door control unit -J386- Rear right door control unit -J389-30a
48-Fuse 48 on fuse holder C -SC48-15A-Fuel pump relay -J17-
Fuel pump relay for auxiliary heater -J749-
Electric fuel pump 2 relay -J49-
49-Fuse 49 on fuse holder C -SC49-20A-Onboard supply control unit -J519- (T52b/42)30a
50-Fuse 50 on fuse holder C -SC50-25A-Control unit for electromechanical parking brake -J540-30a
51-Fuse 51 on fuse holder C -SC51-40A-Fresh air blower control unit -J126-30a
52-Fuse 52 on fuse holder C -SC52-30A-Heated front seats control unit -J774-30a
53-Fuse 53 on fuse holder C -SC53-20A
-Headlight washer system relay -J39- .2)
Fuse 38 on fuse holder C -SC38- 1)
Fuse 39 on fuse holder C -SC39- 1)
54-Fuse 54 on fuse holder C -SC54-30A-DC/AC converter with socket, 12 V - 230 V -U13-30a
55-Fuse 55 on fuse holder C -SC55-15A-Driver seat lumbar support adjustment switch -E176-30a
56-Fuse 56 on fuse holder C -SC56-15A-Electronically controlled damping control unit -J250-30a
57-Fuse 57 on fuse holder C -SC57-25A-Sunroof roller blind control unit -J394-30a
58-Fuse 58 on fuse holder C -SC58-1A-Towing bracket locked warning lamp -K226-30a
59-Fuse 59 on fuse holder C -SC59-20A-Control unit with display for radio and navigation -J503- 1) 4)30a
60-Fuse 60 on fuse holder C -SC60----Vacant-
1) From May 2010
2) up to May 2010
3) According to equipment
4) Only models with start/stop system

Electric cut-out in driver's footwell
A - Driver seat adjustment thermal fuse 1 -S44- 30A


Electric cut-out in driver's footwell

1 - Relay and fuse carrier 1 -SR1-
A - not assigned
B - Front passenger seat adjustment thermal fuse 1 -S46- 30A
C - Driver seat adjustment thermal fuse 1 -S44- 30A

Relays of VW Tiguan
Overview of relay carriers


1 - Relay carrier on E-box
Main relay -J271-
Terminal 30 voltage supply relay -J317-
Additional coolant pump relay -J496-
Motronic current supply relay 2 -J670-
Engine component current supply relay -J757-

2 - Relay and fuse carrier 1 -SR1-
Dual tone horn relay -J4-
Heated rear window relay -J9-
Fresh air blower relay -J13-
Fuel pump relay -J17-
X-contact relief relay -J59-
Heated exterior mirror relay -J99-
High heat output relay -J360-
Terminal 15 voltage supply relay 2 -J681-
Terminal 50 voltage supply relay -J682-
Terminal 30 voltage supply relay 2 -J689-
Double washer pump relay 1 -J729-
Double washer pump relay 2 -J730-
Starter relay 1 -J906-
Starter relay 2 -J907-

3 - Relay and fuse carrier 2 -SR2-
Dual tone horn relay -J4-
Heated rear window relay -J9-
Fresh air blower relay -J13-
Fuel pump relay -J17-
Headlight washer system relay -J39-
Electric fuel pump 2 relay -J49-
Low heat output relay -J359-
High heat output relay -J360-
Auxiliary heater operation relay -J485-
Additional coolant pump relay -J496-
Alarm horn relay -J641-
Terminal 15 voltage supply relay 2 -J681-
Terminal 50 voltage supply relay -J682-
Fuel pump relay for auxiliary heater -J749-
Relay for supplementary fuel pump -J832-
Trailer voltage supply relay -J941-
Relay for reducing agent metering system -J963-

Relay assignment on E-box low, VW Tiguan from November 2007


1 - Main relay -J271- (100)
Slot A1
Only models with petrol engine
1 - Terminal 30 voltage supply relay -J317- (100)
Slot A1
Only models with diesel engine
2 - Engine component current supply relay -J757- (100)
Slot A2

Relay assignment on E-box low, VW Tiguan from May 2011


R1 - Engine component current supply relay -J757-
Only models with 2.0l petrol engine
R1 - Additional coolant pump relay -J496-
Only models with a 1.4 l petrol engine (CAXA)
R1 - Connection bridge
Only models with diesel engine
R2 - Terminal 30 voltage supply relay -J317-
Only models with diesel engine
R2 - Main relay -J271-
Only models with petrol engine

Relay assignment, relay carrier on onboard supply control unit, in driver's footwell, VW Tiguan from November 2007


1 - Terminal 15 voltage supply relay 2, -J681-, (460)
Slot B1
2 - Heated exterior mirror relay -J99- (449)
Slot B2
3 - Heated rear window relay -J9- (53)
Slot B5
4 - Dual tone horn relay -J4- (449)
Slot B6
5 - X-contact relief relay -J59- (460)
Slot B9
6 - Double washer pump relay 2 -J730- (404)
Slot B8
7 - Double washer pump relay 1 -J729- (404)
Slot B7
8 - not assigned
Slot B3
9 - Terminal 30 voltage supply relay 2 -J689- (449)
Slot B4

Relay and fuse carrier 1 -SR1- , VW Tiguan from May 2009


D - Relay and fuse carrier 1 -SR1-
1 - not assigned
2 - not assigned
3 - Heated rear window relay -J9- (53)
4 - X-contact relief relay -J59- (53)
5 - Terminal 15 voltage supply relay 2 -J681- (643)

Relay and fuse carrier 1 -SR1- , VW Tiguan from May 2010
D - Relay and fuse carrier 1 -SR1-
1 - High heat output relay -J360- (644)
2 - X-contact relief relay -J59- (644)
3 - Terminal 50 voltage supply relay -J682- (644)
According to equipment
3 - Starter relay 1 -J906- (644)
Only models with start/stop system
4 - Fresh air blower relay -J13- (646)
5 - Starter relay 2 -J907- (507)
Only models with start/stop system

Relay and fuse carrier 1 -SR1- , VW Tiguan from May 2011
D - Relay and fuse carrier 1 -SR1-
1 - High heat output relay -J360- (644)
2 - X-contact relief relay -J59- (644)/(645)
According to equipment
3 - Terminal 50 voltage supply relay -J682- (644)/(645)
According to equipment
3 - Starter relay 1 -J906- (644)/(645)
Only models with start/stop system
4 - Fresh air blower relay -J13- (646)
For left-hand drive models only
4 - Fuel pump relay -J17- (646)
For right-hand drive models only
5 - Starter relay 2 -J907- (507)
Only models with start/stop system
5 - Terminal 50 voltage supply relay -J682- (507)
Models with entry and start authorisation but no start/stop system only

Relay and fuse carrier 2 -SR2- , VW Tiguan from November 2007


1 - Auxiliary heater operation relay -J485- (53)
2 - not assigned
3 - Terminal 50 voltage supply relay -J682- (53)
4 - Fresh air blower relay -J13- (449)
5 - Alarm horn relay -J641- (449)
5 - Headlight washer system relay -J39- (449)
6 - High heat output relay -J360- (370)
7 - Fuel pump relay -J17- (449)
7 - Additional coolant pump relay -J496- (449)
7 - Fuel pump relay for auxiliary heater -J749- (449)
8 - Low heat output relay -J359- (53)
9 - Relay for supplementary fuel pump -J832- (449)
According to equipment
Note: On relay slots 4, 5, 7, and 9 there are double slots for mini relays

Relay and fuse carrier 2 -SR2- , VW Tiguan from May 2008
1 - Auxiliary heater operation relay -J485- (53)
2 - not assigned
3 - Terminal 50 voltage supply relay -J682- (53)
4 - Fresh air blower relay -J13- (449)
5 - Alarm horn relay -J641- (449)
5 - Headlight washer system relay -J39- (449)
6 - Relay for supplementary fuel pump -J832- (449)
According to equipment
7 - Low heat output relay -J359- (53)
8 - Fuel pump relay -J17- (449)
8 - Additional coolant pump relay -J496- (449)
8 - Fuel pump relay for auxiliary heater -J749- (449)
9 - High heat output relay -J360- (370)
Note: On relay slots 4, 5, 6, and 8 there are double slots for mini relays

Relay and fuse carrier 2 -SR2- , from May 2009
1 - Auxiliary heater operation relay -J485- (53)
2 - Terminal 50 voltage supply relay -J682- (53)
3 - not assigned
4 - Fresh air blower relay -J13- (449)
Slot 4/2
5 - Headlight washer system relay -J39- (449)
Slot 5/1
5 - Alarm horn relay -J641- (449)
Slot 5/2
6 - Electric fuel pump 2 relay -J49- (449)
Slot 6/2
7 - Low heat output relay -J359- (53)
8 - Additional coolant pump relay -J496- (449)
Slot 8/1
Only models with petrol engine
8 - Fuel pump relay -J17- (449)
Slot 8/1
Only models with diesel engine
8 - Fuel pump relay for auxiliary heater -J749- (449)
Slot 8/2
Depends on equipment
9 - High heat output relay -J360- (370)
Note: On relay slots 4, 5, 6, and 8 there are double slots for mini relays

Relay and fuse carrier 2 -SR2- , VW Tiguan from May 2010


1 - Auxiliary heater operation relay -J485- (645)
2 - Electric fuel pump 2 relay -J49- (646)
3 - Terminal 15 voltage supply relay 2 -J681- (644)
4 - Heated rear window relay -J9- (645)
5 - Fuel pump relay -J17- (646)
Only models with diesel engine
5 - Additional coolant pump relay -J496- (646)
Only models with petrol engine
6 - Headlight washer system relay -J39- (646)
Slot 6/A
6 - Dual tone horn relay -J4- (646)
Slot 6/B
7 - Low heat output relay -J359- (645)
8 - Fuel pump relay for auxiliary heater -J749- (646)
9 - not assigned
Note: Relay slot 6 has a double-slot for mini-relays

Relay and fuse carrier 2 -SR2- , VW Tiguan from May 2011
1 - Auxiliary heater operation relay -J485- (645)
For left-hand drive models only
1 - Low heat output relay -J359- (645)
For right-hand drive models only
2 - Fuel pump relay -J17- (646)
Only models with diesel engine
For left-hand drive models only
3 - Terminal 15 voltage supply relay 2 -J681- (644)
4 - Heated rear window relay -J9- (645)
5 - Additional coolant pump relay -J496- (646)
Only models with petrol engine
6 - Headlight washer system relay -J39- (646)
Slot 6/A
6 - Dual tone horn relay -J4- (646)
Slot 6/B
7 - Low heat output relay -J359- (645)
For left-hand drive models only
8 - not assigned
9 - not assigned
Note: Relay slot 6 has a double-slot for mini-relays

Relay and fuse carrier 2 -SR2- , VW Tiguan from November 2011
1 - Auxiliary heater operation relay -J485- (645)
For left-hand drive models only
1 - Low heat output relay -J359- (645)
For right-hand drive models only
2 - Fuel pump relay -J17- (646)
Only models with diesel engine
For left-hand drive models only
3 - Terminal 15 voltage supply relay 2 -J681- (645)
4 - Heated rear window relay -J9- (645)
5 - Additional coolant pump relay -J496- (646)
Only models with petrol engine
6 - Headlight washer system relay -J39- (646)
Slot 6/A
6 - Dual tone horn relay -J4- (646)
Slot 6/B
7 - Low heat output relay -J359- (645)
For left-hand drive models only
8 - not assigned
9 - not assigned
Note: Relay slot 6 has a double-slot for mini-relays

Relay and fuse carrier 2 -SR2- , VW Tiguan from May 2012
1 - Auxiliary heater operation relay -J485- (645)
For left-hand drive models only
1 - Low heat output relay -J359- (645)
For right-hand drive models only
2 - Fuel pump relay -J17- (646)
Only models with diesel engine
For left-hand drive models only
2 - Trailer voltage supply relay -J941- (646)
For right-hand drive models only
3 - Terminal 15 voltage supply relay 2 -J681- (645)
4 - Heated rear window relay -J9- (645)
5 - Additional coolant pump relay -J496- (646)
Only models with petrol engine
Not for models with a 1.4 l petrol engine (CAXA)
6 - Headlight washer system relay -J39- (646)
Slot 6/A
6 - Dual tone horn relay -J4- (646)
Slot 6/B
7 - Low heat output relay -J359- (645)
For left-hand drive models only
8 - Trailer voltage supply relay -J941- (646)
For left-hand drive models only
9 - not assigned
Note: Relay slot 6 has a double-slot for mini-relays

Relay and fuse carrier 2 -SR2- , VW Tiguan from May 2015
1 - Auxiliary heater operation relay -J485- (645)
For left-hand drive models only
1 - Low heat output relay -J359- (645)
For right-hand drive models only
2 - Fuel pump relay -J17- (646)
Only models with diesel engine
For left-hand drive models only
2 - Trailer voltage supply relay -J941- (646)
For right-hand drive models only
3 - Terminal 15 voltage supply relay 2 -J681- (645)
4 - Heated rear window relay -J9- (645)
5 - Additional coolant pump relay -J496- (646)
Only models with petrol engine
Not for models with a 1.4 l petrol engine (CAXA)
5 - Relay for reducing agent metering system -J963-
Only models with diesel engine
6 - Headlight washer system relay -J39- (646)
Slot 6/A
6 - Dual tone horn relay -J4- (646)
Slot 6/B
7 - Low heat output relay -J359- (645)
For left-hand drive models only
8 - Trailer voltage supply relay -J941- (646)
For left-hand drive models only
9 - not assigned
Note: Relay slot 6 has a double-slot for mini-relays
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