Ошибка 18613 Р2181-008 В чём проблема? Где искать?



Мастер советчик
VW Golf III был 1.8 ADZ 1998г. стал 2.8 ААА - ПРОДАЛ/ Теперь JETTA 4 2.0 AVH - ПРОДАЛ/ Взял гольф 5 комби лимузин)
Всем доброго времени суток. На пассате с мотором 1.8 Т двиг AWM высветилась ошибка 18613 Неисправность системы охлаждения... О какой неисправности идёт речь? помогите пожалуйста разобраться.... заранее спасибо...
18613/P2181/008577 - Performance Malfunction in Cooling System
Possible Solutions
Check Engine Coolant Temperature Sender (G62)

Check Coolant Thermostat
Check Engine Cooling System
Put the key on, fan speed on 1, and push the a/c switch. Are both fans kicking on? If not, you found the problem.
Put the key on and fan speed on 1 with temperature set to hot. Does heat come out readily from the vents?
No. Probably the water pump is gone.
Yes. Probably the thermostat is gone.
Special Notes
Check the stored Freeze Frame data with this fault code. Freeze Frame information will be found in the fault code description (if the module supports it) or in Generic OBD-II if the vehicle complies with those regulations.
Freeze Frame data stored at -40*C is generally an indication of a faulty ECT or wiring.
Freeze Frame data stored at +140*C is generally an indication of a faulty ECT or wiring.
Freeze Frame data stored with in the 68*C ~ 80*C range is an indication that the vehicle was close to, but not within, the cooling systems normal operation range. The Thermostat itself or Cooling system components may be at fault.
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Неисправность системы охлаждения
очень смешно....
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